
发布 2019-12-29 12:48:28 阅读 9514

nowadays, quite a few college students lackconciousness of being grateful. they turn to take suchthings for granted, as parents supporting them, teachershelping them, and waiters serving them. they are even meanto say "thank you" to others.

this phenomenon has causedgreat attention from the whole society.

the following reasons can aount for the lack ofgratefulness conciousness. first of all, unsound familyeducation plays an important role. many parents turn to paytoo much attention to children's academic performance, butignore their value orientation.

moreover, schools don'tinput enough time and money in moral education. besides,nowadays, college students get so much love that they areinsenstive to others' care and help.

considering the seriousness of the problem, it is hightime to take effective measures to strengthen collegestudents conciousness of being grateful. first, parentsshould improve self-quality and influence children by theirown beh**iors. second, our society and schools mustincrease input in moral education, and try to build theatmosphere of being grateful.

finally, we college studentsshould learn to express our gratefulness to people aroundus, just beginning from the ****** "thank you".







感恩,是我们生命中一道亮丽的风景线,在观赏风景的途中,有惊奇,又带有些许的感动。感恩,带给我们不一样的乐趣。作为一个人,学会感恩是必须的,是理所当然的,更是无需质疑的。生活中,常见的感恩事迹数不胜数,感恩的具体做法也各有千秋。俗话说 滴水之恩,定当涌泉相报,也许就是这个理吧。然而,发生在我们自己身上...

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感恩作文 学会感恩

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