2019英语专四作文常用句式 结尾

发布 2019-12-28 23:09:28 阅读 9920

在结尾段中还能够考虑下面的表达方法 (如实行预见,提出建议,做出评议,发出号召或指出解决方法等)

above all 最重要的是 after all毕竟 all in all总的来说。

all things considered总来说之。

all this means that… 所有这个切都意味着 as a consequence结果 as a result结果 as the matter stands事实上 at last最后 at length最后 at all events无沦如何。

consequently, most people believe that 因而,绝大部分人相信。

finally, we hope that… 最后,我们希望 for short简言之。

from this point of view 就此而沦 hence, we conclude that...所以,我们断言 i will conclude by saying...最后我要说。

i want to make one final point...我要说的最后一点是 in a word总之 in brief 简言之。

in conclusion最后 in general总之 in short简言之 in summary总之 in the end最后。

in the last analysis 归根结底 in the last place最后。

it may be confirmed that… 能够肯定 it may be safely said that...能够有把握地说 last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的 last of all最后 on the whole总的看来。

the long and the short of it总来说之。

therefore, we l**e the reason to believe that...所以,我们有理由相信。

thus we are given to understand that...所以我们懂得 to make a long story short 简言之 to sum up概括地说 with this end in view为此。

2019英语专四作文常用句式 结尾

2019英语专四作文复习考生们在基础复习阶段可以先复习背诵固定一些句式,这样在话题性作文中方能派上用场,下面是无忧考网英语专四频道为大家整理的2019英语专四作文常用句式。供学员备考复习用,并预祝大家顺利通过考试。在结尾段中还可以考虑下面的表达方法 如进行预见,提出建议,做出评议,发出号召或指出解决...

2019英语专四作文常用句式 开头

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