
发布 2019-12-28 19:15:28 阅读 9968

第一章提纲、图表、图画作文写作 mba万能作文。



● 开头常用词语

as far as ..is/are concerned 就…而论

as far as i know 就我所知

as everybody knows 众所周知

as the proverb says 正如谚语所说

at present 目前

at first 首先

at the start 开始

at this point 在这一点上

first of all 首先

frankly speaking 坦白地说

i want to begin by saying 首先,我要说

it cannot be denied that 无可否认

it goes without saying that 不言而喻

it has been demonstrated/found/proved/shown that 已经证明/发现

it is possible/probable/likely that 有可能

it is impossible that 不可能

it is generally agreed/recognized that 人们通常认为

it must be admitted/emphasized/pointed out that 必须承认/强调/指出

no one can deny that 谁也不可否认

nothing is more important than the fact that 最重要的事实是

now that we know that 既然我们知道

so far 迄今

therefore we should realize that 因此我们应当明白

to begin with 首先

we are all aware that 我们都明白

when it comes to 就…而论

with a view to 为…起见

with regard to 至于

with respect to 关于

● 衔接转折常用词语

a case in point is 一个恰当的例子是

a more interesting thing is that 更为有趣的是

a more important fact is that 更重要的事实是

as an illustration 作为例证

as explained before 正如已解释过的

as has been noted 如上所述

as has been said before 正如已经说过的

as mentioned above 如上所述

as stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

besides, we should remember that 此外,我们应当记住

but it is a pity that 但可惜的是

but the problem is not so ****** 然而问题并非如此简单

compared with 与…相比

considering 考虑到

contrary to 与…相反

even if 即使

due to 由于

from now on 今后

in accordance with 根据

in any case 无论如何

it is true that...but...是不错,但…

moreover, we should not forget that 而且,我们不应该忘记

not because...but because 不是因为…而是因为

that is the reason why 那就是为什么

to take...for example 以…为例

therefore, we should realize that 因此,我们应意识到

what is more 此外

with regard to your proposal, i think that...关于你的建议,我认为…

● 结尾常用词语

all in all 总的来说

all things considered 总而言之

all this means that 所有这一切都意味着

as a consequence/result 结果

at last/at length 最后

consequently, most people believe that 结果,大多数人相信

for short 简言之

from this point of view 就此而论

hence, we conclude that 因此,我们断言

i want to make one final point 我要说的最后一点是

in a word 总之

in conclusion 最后

in general 总之

in short 简言之

in summary 总之

it may be confirmed that 可以肯定

it may be safely said that 可以有把握地说

last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的。

第一章提纲、图表、图画作文写作 mba万能作文。



● 使用说明

1. 模板是固定的格式,考生可根据自己的实际情况和考试的具体要求酌情添加或删减观点和例子,也可在模板中增加一些精彩的词组、形容词、副词和连接词。

2. 在模板**现的谚语可灵活掌握:由于考试时间紧或实在找不到合适的谚语,也可删除。

3. 根据实际情况,有时可能会出现两个模板同时使用的情况,比如作文" shopping on installment" 的提纲:1)当前社会出现贷款购物的现象,有人赞同,有人反对。

2)你的看法。提纲1)可采用 "how to...模板4以及 "why...

模板中描写现象的部分(也就是前半部分)。提纲2)可采用 "advantages and disadvantages of...模板中描写 advantages 的部分,也可单独采用 "my view on...


● my view on...题型

模板1 nowadays, there is a widespread concern over 主词 . but/however, when it comes to this hot topic, people's views/ideas/opinions on 主词 vary from person to person. some people think/believe that 观点1 .

however, others list the opposite idea about it. they argue that 观点2 .

as for me, i stand for the first/second idea. i make out my case as follows: in the first place, while it is true that 观点1/观点2 , it doesn't mean/follow that 观点1/观点2 .

admittedly, 观点1/观点2 , but this is not to say that 观点1/观点2 .

therefore, from above reasons, you can understand why i agree with the first/second idea.(100 words)

范文: my view on opportunity

nowadays, there is a widespread concern over opportunity . but when it comes to this hot topic, people's views on opportunity vary from person to person. some people think that opportunities are rare.

however, others list the opposite idea about it. they argue that we still h**e a lot of opportunities.


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