
发布 2019-12-28 17:57:28 阅读 5497


the topic about … is becoming more and more popular in our school recently. there are two sides of opinion about it.

some students prefer to consider doing sth.(some students say … is their f**orite.) they think that… (理由一).

what’s more, …理由二). moreover, …理由三)

however, others believe … is a better choice for three reasons. (然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由) to begin with, …理由一). next, .

in addition, …

from my point of view, the former is surely a wise choice. the reason is that…(或者用:as far as i am concerned, i firmly support the view that…(依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点… that引导同位语从句)


recent years, …has been popular. there are many advantages in…. first, …second, …third, …

however, there’re some disadvantages. …之一). besides, …之二). also, …之三)

in my opinion, it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处) i think…

one big advantage of … is that…. one obvious advantage of … is ….finally, …

while it is true that ….has many advantages, it is also important to realize that….(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到…也很重要。

模板3: 问题与建议。

recent days, we h**e to face a problem that… (近来,我们面临这样一个问题… that 引导同位语从句).

解决办法:with the help of modern technology, we now h**e many means to solve it. by doing ….

we can… what’s the most important is that…

结论:in a word, it is clear / obvious that… only when… can we ….

模板4: 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。

1.有一些人认为… 2.另一些人认为… 3.我的看法…

the topic of主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. there are two sides of opinions about it. some people say a is their f**orite.

they hold their view for the reason of支持a的理由一)what is more, ③理由二). moreover理由三).

while others think that b is a better choice in the following three reasons. firstly支持b的理由一). secondly (besides理由二).

thirdly (finally理由三).

from my point of view, i think我的观点).the reason is that原因). as a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.

for me, the former is surely a wise choice .


some people believe that观点一). for example, they think举例说明).and it will bring them为他们带来的好处).

in my opinion, i never think this reason can be the point. for one thing我不同意该看法的理由一). for another thing反对的理由之二).

form all what i h**e said/in a word/in conclusion, i agree to the thought that我对文章所讨论主题的看法).





in recent days, we h**e to face a problem a, which is becoming more and more serious. first说明a的现状).second举例进一步说明现状)

confronted with a, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. for one thing解决方法一). for another thing解决方法二).


personally, i believe that我的解决方法). consequently, i’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because带来的好处).






nowadays many people prefer a because it has a significant role in our daily life. generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. first的优点之一).


but every coin has two sides. the negative aspects are also apparent. one of the important disadvantages is that的第一个缺点).to make matters worse的第二个缺点).

through the above analysis, i believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. therefore, i would like to我的看法).


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