
发布 2019-12-28 13:12:28 阅读 2961




recently, it often hits the headline of news***** that + there is a upward/downward tendency for sb to do sth, which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.

yet, when people are asked “含主题词的问句:will computer replace human”/when it comes to the “主题词”, views may vary from person to person.

2) 图画作文。


as is vividly indicated in the meaningful cartoon, 在地点+动作+核心事情,doing sth (核心事物的状态),with +n (次要事物)。****** as the picture is, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.

eg;(in front of the job seeker stands an employer, refusing the master graduate, with the applicat’s resume on his hand.

in front of the desk sits a teacher, giving her student a lesson and stressing that attitude is more important than aptitude.)

3) 谚语警句。


there is a growing national awareness of the importance/ detriment /pros and cons of 主题词。

正面的:“.is an old cliche. however, i totally agree with it.

负面的:people often say “.ironically, it is easier said than done.

the proverb reveals the impact of a on b.

2. 中间段。

1)原因后果论证: 引出原因+具体原因+引出结果+具体结果。

1,what exactly contributes to such phenomenon /主题词?it’s a thought-provoking question. to begin with, sth will exert a positive/negative influence on one’s life /growth /development .

in addition, it can enhance/decrease our work/study efficiency greatly. last but not least, sth contributes to the importance of environment /family atmosphere/ both physically and mentally. 或者 sth has a detriment impact on the environment.

2,what exactly contributes to such phenomenon /主题词?it’s a thought-provoking question. 好:

to begin with, it is the enforcement of relative laws and regulations/ polices that makes this surprising trend come into being. in addition, due attention paid to ..has stimulated the rapid development of ..

last but not least, the public has enhanced the consciousness of ..


there seem to be more than one direct or indirect effects on ..which none of us can fail to notice.

1, for example,2,科学调查: according to one latest survey conducted by a certain national authority, almost ..of people are doing sth in the same situation/ hold the same views that ..

2)对立观点论证: 引出争议+正方观点+理由+反方观点+理由。

1,in fact, there is no consensus of opinions among over the issue of 主题词或有引导词的主题句。

正方:as is indicated the popular wisdom (that...观点), there is always a reason to say “yes”.

moreover, some people argue that (理由)

反方:yet, the rest hold the other side of the picture, for one thing,..


in fact, there is much controversy over this trend. admittedly, a minority of people may hold the view that (.正方观点).

yet, a majority of people hold the other side of this picture. listed below are their reasons, firstly, secondly, for instance,3)举例论证:引出例子+例子本身+例子总结+科学调查。

among all the touching facts relating to this topic that i h**e heard, noticed, and experienced, the most impressive one is steven jobs/jack ma. sb, honored for his success in.. apple corporation/tmall), is always remembered by his spirit of (.

which shines through every chapter of his life. the experience of sb tells us that ..according the one latest survey conducted by a certain national authority, almost ..

of people are doing sth/ hold the same view that...

3. 结尾段:归纳总结+建议措施+憧憬未来。

considering every aspect of this phenomenon , i ,as most of others will do, safely draw a conclusion that ..in terms of ..what we should do is to absorb the essence and neglect the drawbacks.

only in this way can we enjoy a brighter future/ make dreams come true/enjoy a better life/ expect a more harmonious society.


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