
发布 2019-12-28 09:25:28 阅读 8384

按“主语+ 谓语” 这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语( 或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是倒装。倒装句分为:

完全倒装: 整个谓语移至主语前面叫完全倒装 。

部分倒装: 只把助动词、系动词或情态动词放在主语之前叫部分倒装 。


1. there be + 主语+地点。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:

exist, seem, happen, appear, rise, stand等。如:

there stood a dog before him.

there are many different kinds of mooncakes on the table .

2.here, there, now, then + come (或be等) +主语" 结构。主语是人称代词时,不必倒装。there是引导词,本身没意义。

there comes the bus.

then came the day we are looking forward to.

* here you arethere they come! *

3. 表示方位的副词或短语out, in, up, down,away放在句首,后面一般使用倒装语序。这种句子的为主动词通常为 go, come, rush, fly ,fall..


in came our teacher.

4. 表示地点的介词短语 (如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)放在句首时,要全部倒装。如:

on the top of the hill stands a pine tree.

in front of the classroom is a playground.

5. 如果直接引语后注明是什么人说的,而且主语是名词时,需要完全倒装;主语是人称代词时,一般不用倒装。

let”s go ! said the captain .

take off your boots !”ordered the guard .


6. 用于so开头的句子,表示重复前面相同的内容,意为“也怎么样”。另外,在结果状语从句句型so …that …中,如果强调so…放在句首,主句需要部分倒装。

句型如下: so +形容词/副词+be/助动词/情态动词that +从句。

i often go out for a walk after supper . so does she .

so excited was she at the news that she couldn”t say a word .

7. 用于nor , neither 开头的句子,表示重复前面相同的内容,“也不…”。

li lei can”t answer the question . neither can i .

if you don”t wait for him , nor shall i .


at no time, by no means(决不), in no way(决不,一点也不), in no case, under no circumstance(无论如何) 等。

in no way can they smoke in the office.

under no circumstance do we give up our confidence,9.方式状语thus, 频度状语 many a time(多次,常常), often, always, once, long, next, now and then,every other day 等放在句首时。

often h**e we persuded her not to smoke.

many a time h**e i seen the girl dancing in the room.

10. only放在句首,强调状语(副词,介词短语或状语从句等),全句语序要部分倒装。

only in this way can we get in touch with them .

only because he was ill was he absent from school .


only mr wang knows about it .

9. 带有否定意义的词放在句首,语序需要部分倒装。常见的词语有:

not , never , seldom , scarcely , barely , little , at no time , not only , not once , under on condition , hardly … when , no sooner …than ……等。

little did i think he is a spy .

hardly had i reached home when it began to rain .

no sooner had i entered the room than the phone rang .

10. 在虚拟语气中,倒装代替条件。

should he be here next week , he would help us with the problem .

were there no light , we could see nothing .

11. 用于某些表示祝愿的句子。

may you succeedmay you h**e a good day!

练习:after liberation___to be treated as human beings.

they begin b. they had begun did begin d. had they begun

only __to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.

was forcing b. he was forced he forcing d. was he forced

until his father was out of prison to school

john go b. john can go c. could john go d. john could go

before __seen such a stupid man.

i b. was i c. h**e i d. shall i

___about such a silly thing.

i heard of b. i h**e heard of h**e been hearing of d. h**e i heard from

___about his own health though he was very ill.

cared b. did he care c. does he care d. he cares

___him recently.

met b. i h**e met c. h**e i met d. didn't i meet

___down __he stepped in.

i sat …than b. i had sat …when i sat …then d. had i sat…when

sooner___asleep than she heard a knock at the door.

a. she had fallen b. had she fallen c. she had fell d. had she fell

did not see smith. _

a. neither did i b. nor didn't i c. neither i did d. so didn't i

don't know how to swim, _

a. and my sister doesn't neither b. nor my sister can

c. nor does my sister d. and my sister does either

12 --you ought to h**e given them some advice.

but who cared what i said?

a. so ought you b. so i ought c. so did you d. so i did

13. –it was hot yesterday. _

a. it was so b. so was it c. so it was d. so it did

14. she's passed the test. _

a. so am i b. so h**e i c. so i h**e d. also i h**e

like football very much. _

a. so do i b. it is the same with me c. i do too d. so i do

16. _he is honest.

a. as he is poor b. poor is he c. poor as he is d. poor as is he

17. _he knows a lot of things.

a. a child as he is b. child as he is c. a child as is he d. child as is he

18. _you can't lift yourself up.

a. even you're strong b. strong as you are c.

how strong you are d. in spite you're strong

carelessly___that he almost killed himself.

a. he drives b. he drove c. does he drive d. did he drive

in the day___the news __the enemy were gone.

a. come…that b. came…that c. comes…that d. came …what

when you realize the importance of foreign languages __them well.

a. you can learn b. can you learn c. you learned d. did you learn

a. here the bus comes b. here is the bus coming

c. here comes the bus d. here the bus is coming

23. “where is kate?” look, _she is at the school gate.”

a. there she is b. there is she c. here you are d. here it is

24. which of the following sentences is correct?

a. in the teacher came b. in did come the teacher

c. in did the teacher come d. in came the teacher

___with a stick in his hand.

a. did he rush b. rushed he c. he rushed d. he did rush


1. i h**e never heard a speech as exciting as this.

2. the mark was so small that i could hardly see it.

3. i hardly turned off the light when my brother came in.

4. it has at no time been more difficult for us to pass the examination.

5. we can succeed only in this way.

6. he did not speak a word at the meeting.

7. mary not only complained about the food, but also refused to pay for it.

8. she had no sooner begun to speak than i sensed that something was wrong.

9. mike has helped me with my english many a time.

was a sudden gust of wind and his hat went away。

1. never h**e i heard a speech as exciting as this.

2. so small was the mark that i could hardly see it.

3. hardly did i turn off the light when my mother came in.

4. at no time has it been more difficult for us to pass the examination.

5. only in this way can we succeed.

6. not a word did he speak at the meeting.

7. not only did mary complain about the food, but also refused to pay for it.

8. no sooner had she begun to speak than i sensed that something was wrong.

9. many a time has mike helped me with my english.

10. there was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat.


河北张强。1.某些副词 不及物动词 主语 的句式,需要全部倒装。常用的副词主要有 here there now then out in down up away 等,表示强调。主语是代词时,不必倒装。out rushed the boy down came the brown w e 2.表示方位的...


英语倒装句讲解。倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装。一 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有 1 here,there,now,then,thus等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be,come,go,lie,run等表示来去或状...


概念 主谓倒置即倒装。为何需要倒装 一是由于语法结构的需要而进行倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行倒装。前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误 后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。完全倒装。概念 句子中的谓语全部位于主语之前。一般句型 副词 in out up down...