每日一句 2019考研英语第三十句

发布 2019-12-27 15:42:28 阅读 9553




medical research groups in america, britain and australia, for example, h**e emphasised that scientific work will be judged by its quality, not by the reputation of the journal it is published in. that will certainly be more onerous for committees than counting up the “right” sort of *****s. but if more researchers feel comfortable about uploading their work to preprint servers, it will break the stranglehold of elite journals on biomedical science and accelerate discovery.

that would s**e millions of dollars. more importantly, it would s**e lives.

词汇突破: 名望。

2. onerous 繁琐,艰巨,困难。

例句:this obligation sometimes proves onerous.这一义务有时被证明是艰巨的。(prove这个词主动表被动)

3. preprint servers (为了让国际研究同仁尽快获知自己的研究结果,学者不只利用国际会议,他们还更常利用预印版伺服器(preprint-server)

4. stranglehold 束缚; 压制;

5. elite journals 知名杂志。

解析: research groups in america, britain and australia, for example, h**e emphasised that scientific work will be judged by its quality, not by the reputation of the journal /(that) it is published in.


2. that will certainly be more onerous ( for committees) than counting up the “right” sort of *****s.

(这里所谓的“right”sort of *****s 就相当于我们国内的核心期刊文章的概念。)


3. but if more researchers feel comfortable about uploading their work to preprint servers, it will break the stranglehold of elite journals on biomedical science and accelerate discovery.(break 和 accelerate并列)


4. that would s**e millions of dollars. more importantly, it would s**e lives.



valeant 这家公司可能会是继雷曼兄弟之后有一个美国公司的灾难。“不能对实体经济产生价值的商业模式,迟早会走上崩溃的一天。”对于在美上市加拿大药企valeant,这一真理已然通过股价的血洗得以印证。


valeant’s business model was buying other drug firms, cutting costs and yanking up prices. since 2010 it has done $35 billion of deals, mainly financed by debt. at a time when americans face stagnant living standards, a strategy based on squeezing customers was bound to encounter political hostility—“i’m going after them,” hillary clinton has vowed.

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