每天一句 2019考研英语第十句

发布 2019-12-27 15:41:28 阅读 3168


and the president, a deal to revise obamacare would be nearly impossible to reach.词汇突破:

1. stakes风险;利益;筹码;重要性;2. subsidies补贴。

3. insurance policies保单4. turmoil混乱。

5. re-draft重新制定。

6. republican-controlled共和党控制的7. revise修改8. given因为第一句:

the stakes are high.风险很高。第二句:

with subsidies removed, many people would find their insurance policies unaffordable.句子解析:with subsidies removed,独立主格结构还原为句子:

subsidies are removed.

many people would find their insurance policies unaffordable.主干如果取消了补贴,很多人会发现他们支付不起保单。第三句:

and the broader insurance market would be thrown into turmoil /unless congress acted swiftly tore-draft the law.



given the vast differences between the republican-controlled congress and the president, a dealto revise obamacare would be nearly impossible to reach.主干:a deal would be nearly impossible to reach.




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can t get rid of my cold.我的感冒总不好。kinds of utilities are included?房租里 都包含什么费用?am running the bath water.我正在放洗澡水。is vacillating between le ing and stayi...