
发布 2019-12-27 09:58:28 阅读 8137


一.机场。1. may i see your passport, please? 请给我看一下你的护照。

here you are. 给你。

2 .where are you staying? 将在哪儿住宿?

i will stay at hotel。我在酒店住。

the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何?

sightseeing(businese). 观光(公务)。

4. how long will you be staying in canada? 预计在加拿大停留多久?

12 days。 12天。

5. how much money do you h**e with you? 你随身携带多少现金?

i h**e 100 dollars. 大约100元。

6. here is my claim tag. 这是我的行李票。

7. some fruit in your bag?包里有水果吗?


are these?这些东西是做何用?

these are for my personal use. 这些是我私人使用的东西。

9. do you h**e any other baggage? 你还有其它行李吗?

10. your passport and declaration card, please. 请出示护照和申报单。

二.日常。you take a picture for us?你能帮我们照一张像吗?

i take picture with you?能和你照一张相吗?

is the gift for you.这是送你的礼物。

is very kind of you.你太好了。


that’s all right!没关系!


you are welcome.不客气。

17. excuse you help me?对不起,你能帮助我吗?

sure,what do you want?可以啊,什么事?

to meet you!很高兴见到你!

nice to meet you!我也很高兴见到你!

to see you again!希望能再见到你!

me fan!我也是。祝你们愉快!

much is it?多少钱?

it’s sixty together.总共60元。

三。 商店。

really like this one. 我真的很喜欢这一件。

it fits well它很合身。

do you feel?你感觉怎么样?

excited.兴奋/it is great.的确是太好了。

really appreciate your doing this.我真的很感谢你做的这些。

it’s nothing.这没什么。

you h**e any change?你有零钱吗?

may i pay by any credit card?我能用信用卡支付吗?

of this way.当然可以,这边请。

please sign your name here.请在这里签名。

i help you?我能帮你吗?

i,m just looking.只是随便看看。

much is the discount?打几折?

ten percent.九折。

i try this on?我能试试这个吗?


is the fittingroom?试衣间在哪儿?

ture left/right,please.左转/右转。

you h**e a larger/smaller size?这件有大/小一点的吗?

sorry,the size is broken.对不起,这件是断码的。

you h**e this in another color?这件有其他颜色吗?

a moment please.请等一下。

四。 餐厅。

show me the menu.请把菜单给我。

take my order.请接受点菜。

would you1like for you1main dish?你想要什么主菜?


how would you like it?你喜欢几成熟?

medium well.七成熟。

would you like to drink?你要喝点什么吗?

may i h**e some wine?我可以喝点葡萄酒吗?

some iced water.冰水。

you like a cup of coffee or tea?你要来一杯咖啡或茶吗?

coffee please.请来点咖啡。


that’s all,thanks.就这么多,谢谢。

take this and this.我要这个和这个(边指菜单)

i h**e your room number?请问你的房间号?

i come in?可以进来吗?

come in.进来吧。

‘m sorry to disturb you!may i clean the room?很抱歉打扰您了,我可以打扫房间吗?


is the toilet?洗手间在**?

i smoke here?能在这里吸烟吗?

feel sick.我感觉不舒服。

is the exchange rate?兑换率是多少?

the change please.不用找钱了。

五.酒店。someone here speak chinese?这里有人说中文吗?

time can i h**e breakfast?几点可以用早餐?

like a wake-up call please.我要定一个叫早服务。

what time?几点。

7 o’clock.7点。

is room are you in?你在哪一个房间?

far is it to the airport from here?从这儿到机场有多远?


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