
发布 2019-12-27 10:08:28 阅读 1340


1. good morning / good afternoon / good evening. (早上好/下午好/晚上好。)

2. welcome to our hotel欢迎来我们饭店。)

3. very glad to h**e you here很高兴您来我们饭店。)

4. may i help you / what can i do for you我能帮您做些什么吗?)

5. thank you very much非常感谢。)

6. not at all/you’re welcome / that’s all right / my pleasure. (不客气。)

7. see you on monday / tuesday / wednesday / thursday / friday /saturday / sunday(星期一/二/三/四/五/六/日见。)

8.(one two three four five six seven eight nine ten)、twenty 、thirty、forty、fifty、sixty、seventy eighty、ninety、one hundred)

9. where is the toilet / water closet卫生间在**?)

10. the lift / elevator is over there电梯在那边。)

11. follow me please请跟我来。)

12. this way please请这边走。)

13. go straight ahead and turn left / right一直往前走,向左/右转。)

14. please go downstairs/upstairs请下楼/上楼。)

15. which floor do you want to go您上几楼? )

16. may i come in我能进来吗。

17. you may go to your room by this elevator您可以坐这部电梯到客房。)

18. take a seat,please请坐)

19. how do you like beijing / our hotel您觉得北京/我们饭店怎么样。

20. wait a moment,please,sir先生,请稍等。)

21. sorry to h**e kept you waiting对不起,让您久等了。)

22. excuse me,i’ll be with you in a minute对不起,我马上就过来。)

23. do you h**e a reservation您有预定吗?)

24. what kind of room would you like您想要什么样的房间?)

25. we h**e single / double / triple / standard room. (我们有单人间/双人间/三人间/标准间。)

26. could you sign here, please请您在这签字好吗?)

27. may i h**e / know your name please请问您的姓名?)

28. i’m sorry about this/for that我对此表示抱歉。)

29. you are当然可以。给你。)

30. i beg your pardon,please请再说一遍。)

31. would you please show me your passport / identify card?(请出示一下您的护照/身份证好吗?)

32. how many people are there in your group你们团队总共有多少人?)

33. may i clean your room now现在可以为您打扫房间吗?)

34. we’ll send someone to repair it right now. (我们马上就派人去修。)

35. is there anything else i can do for you? (我还能为您做点别的什么事吗?)

36. just let me know if there is anything i can do foe you . 如果您需要什么帮助,请及时告诉我。)

37. my room number is one two three / ten twenty eight.(我的房间号码是123/1028。)

38. how long will you stay您要住多久?)

will you paying , in cash , by credit card or with a tr**eler’s check?


40. i’m sorry,the line is busy对不起,**占线。)

41. you may call directly from your room. (您可以从房间直接打**过去。)

42. anything else for you , sir先生,您还来点别的吗?)

43. i see/ i know/ i understand我明白/我知道/我懂了。)

44. we provide fax and internet service我们提供传真和网络服务。)

45. excuse me for interrupting请原谅我打断您。)

46. you can go there by bus你可以坐公共汽车到那里。)

47. good-bye and good luck再见,祝您好运。)

48. h**e a nice trip一路平安!)

49. hope to see you again希望再次见到您。)

50. it’s our pleasure to serve our guests为客人服务是我的荣幸。)


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