年小学二年级第二学期期末测试卷 牛津版

发布 2019-12-17 07:38:28 阅读 5134





4. _yy __5. _jj __iii写出下列单词的首字母的大小写。5’



ihear; see) a cow.2.大象个子大,走得慢。

the elephant is __big; small) and __fast; slow).3.桌子上有两本书。

there __is; are) two __book; books) on the table.4.我会跑步和游泳。

i can __sun; run) and __swing; swim).5.我用毛巾洗脸。

i wash my __towel; face) with __towel; face).


may, h**elunch; dinner).





短语)iiiclean your room刷牙brush your teeth打扫房间wash your face吃早饭go to school洗脸h**e breakfast上学vi根据中文,选择正确的英文单词。10’


4.水(water; wash )5.汤(soup; soap)6.

熊(bear; pear)7.鸭子(duck; chick)8.游泳(swim; swing)9.

碗(bowl; plate)10.刀knife; fork)

vii填入正确的be动词:is或are. 5’

___a sofa in my __three girls in the __a fork and 2 plates on the __40 students (学生) in the __four sheep on the farm(农场).

viii选择正确的答句。10’()1. what do you see?

a. i see a i hear a duck.()2. how old are you?

a. i’m 7 years i’m ok.()3. how do you go to beijing?

a. by plane.()4. i am sorry.

a. i’m ok.()5. what do you like to do?

a. i like to run and dance.()6. can you swim?

a. yes, i do.()7. who is your friend?

a. she is my friend.()8. may i h**e a pizza?

a. yes, please.()9. what do you want?

a. i want some juice.()10. let’s go and play on the beach.

a. ok. let’s 日常英语问答连线。5’

your name? are you? to see do you do?x选择正确的中英文翻译。5’

b. i like it’s i like yes. i i h**e a no, thank i need a yes,

a. good how do you do?c. i am fine, thank i am may.


a. let’s pick up let’s pick shells.()2.不要在教室里玩悠悠球。

play yo-yo in the play yo-yo in the school.


a. what clock is it?b. what time is it?()is the way i brush my teeth.

a.我喜欢刷牙。b.我就是这样刷牙的。()8 o’clock.


hi, i am sam. i’m 8 yearsold. iam inzhilan school(芷兰学校).

i like tosing and swim. i can run and play yo-yo. there are some yo-yos in my room.

i h**e a friend. he is peter. he has two big eyes and a big mouth. he is mygood friend.

i like summer. i like to go to the beach and play on the beach. summer is hot,but(但是) i like to h**e ice-creams in the summer.

)1. i am seven years old.()2. i can play yo-yo.

)3. my friend has two big eyes and a small mouth.()4.

i don’t like summer.()5. sam is my good friend.


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