
发布 2024-03-31 11:35:15 阅读 5582


一、listen and tick(听老师读句子,在正确的**下面划√)10%

二、listen and circle (听老师读字母,把听到的字母圈出来)10%

1)w v 2)p q 3)g j 4)s x 5)j u

6) s z 7) b8) ef 9) m n 10) p q

三、look, listen and write (看图听老师读句子,与听到的内容相符合的划√,不符合的划×)20%

四、look and choose (看图听老师读单词,将单词标号填在相应的**下)5%

五、listen and match (听老师读句子,按听到的句子问答连线)5%

1)where are you fromi’m from canada.

2)what is she likeshe is my sister.

3)who is sheshe is pretty.

4)what’s your namei’m 7 years old.

5)how old are youmy name is lily.

六、listen and draw.(听老师读单词,画画)10%


一、read and match.(读单词,选出正确的汉语意思并连线)10%

1. classmate桥。

2. bridge同学。

3. pretty警察。

4. policeman美丽的。

5. butterfly蝴蝶。

二、read and choose.(读句子,找出与所给句子相对应的**,并把句子序号写在**旁边的小苹果里)10%

1. this is my father. he is a doctor.

2. this is my sister. she is an engineer.

3. this is my mother. she is a teacher.

4. this is my brother. he is a policeman.

5. this is my family. i h**e a grandpa, a grandma, a father and a mother.

三、find the different words.(找出每组单词中不同类的一个,把单词序号写在题前括号内)10%

)1. a doctor b teacher c dad

( )2. a short b china c tall

( )3. a lake b hill c friend

( )4. a butterfly b flower c bee

( )5. a britain b canada c park

四、read and check.(根据**判断句子正误,正确的打√,错误的打×)10%

1.there are six flowers in the grass

2. i can see a beautiful bird

3. there are three dogs in the park.(

4. two bees are flying

5. there is a butterfly.(


2015 2016学年第一学期二年级英语期中测试卷。1 听录音,选单词,将正确答案的字母代号写在括号里。20分 1.a yesb fine 2.a nameb morning 3.a birdb thank 4.a pandab boy 5.a goodb afternoon 6.a downb w...


2018 2019学年度上学期二年级语文期中检测试卷 考试时间 60分钟试卷满分 100分 含卷面5分 一 看拼音写词语。16分 xi x n h i y n zh sh p n y u di n d ng hu lzh n xi n x n k 二 选择正确的读音打 8分 1 奶奶很好 h o h...


2008 2009学年第一学期二年级语文期中试卷。班级姓名得分。时间 80分钟 一 给带点的字选择正确的读音,画 6分 宽敞 ch n ch ng 观察 gu n g n 稻田 d o b o 清晨 ch ng ch n 熟透 zh sh 挑选 xi n xu n 二 读拼音写词语。12分 x y ...