
发布 2024-03-24 05:55:11 阅读 8590

unit 1 going to beijing


sorry对不起,不好意思jump跳跃;跳dance跳舞down向下;朝下;沿着see看见;明白;会见stand站立;直立up向上;在上面sing唱;演唱look看;瞧boy男孩girl女孩now现在draw画sit坐picture图画;**woman女人baby婴儿cry哭泣;喊叫talk交谈;讨论man男人sleep睡觉;入睡hungry饥饿的who谁water水candy糖果tea茶run跑me我(i的宾格形式)mrs.夫人very很;非常okay = ok好,行ask问;询问song歌曲there在**;到**some一些thank致谢card纸牌,卡片can会,能find找到good-bye再见mr.先生or或者them他(它,她)们(宾格)then然后standup站立,起sit down坐下look at看(某人或某物)立。

look out of从……向外看draw a picture画一幅画talk to…和….交谈sing a song to your mother给你的妈妈唱一首歌some water一些水many tall trees许多很高的树on the train在火车上play with…和……玩the man behind you你身后的那个男人play cards玩牌would like…想要……some fruit一些水果h**e fun玩得开心please don’t sit down .请不要坐下。

please stand up.请站起来。i want to jump!


jenny is looking out of the window on the train.在火车上詹妮正在向窗外看。danny is not looking out of the window.

丹尼没有向窗外看。--who is singing?谁正在唱歌?

-the woman behind me is singing.我身后的那位女士在唱歌。

he is talking to the man behind you.他正在跟你身后的那位男士交谈。--who is hungry?

谁饿了?--i’m hungry.我饿了。

-would you like some water?你想要喝些水吗?--yes,please.


i’d like some candy.我想要些糖果。

unit 2 in beijing



busy忙碌的women女人(woman的复数形式)wait等待men(man的复数形式)say说help救命;帮助worry担心;担忧sad悲伤地take乘坐;买下;拍照be是;存在(am,is,are等的原形动词)feel觉得;感到tired疲劳的;累的stop停下,停止(公共汽车、火车)站afraid害怕,畏惧for为……,给……,拜访football足球table桌子time时间thousand千well健康,噢many people许多人some children一些孩子take a picture拍照fly a kite放风筝be afraid害怕far from…离…远take a bus乘公交车too many太多stand beside jenny站在詹妮旁边how long多长feel tired感觉累so busy如此忙碌buy…for…为…买…what time几点how old多大,多少年walk with带着。走arrive in…抵达…more than...超过。

on one’s arm伤到某人的胳膊do tai chi打太极be careful小心don’t worry别担心on the way back回来的路上the palace museum故宫they are on their way to the hotel.他们在去宾馆的路上。there are many people in the park.


some people are taking pictures on the square.一些人正在广场上拍**。--how old is the palace museum?

故宫有多少年历史?--it’s about six hundred years old.大约600年。

--how long is it?它多长?

-about 6000 kilometers .大约6000千米。

danny feels tired and hungry.丹尼感到又累又饿。don’t be afraid .别害怕。

jenny buys a scarf for her mother.詹妮为她的妈妈买了一条围巾。


unit 3writing home


write写us我们(we的宾格形式)dad爸爸(非正式用语)fine健康的;晴朗的left左边的;左边dear亲爱的right右边的;右边turn转向;转弯wrong错误的email电子邮件idea想法;主意computer电脑use使用;利用kind有好的;体贴的canada加拿大first第一,首先home在家,住所little小的,年幼的lunch午餐ottawa渥太华o’clock ……点钟snowy多雪的tell告诉put放,安置。

write a letter/an email/a postcard to…给…写一封信/一封电子邮件/一张明信片send…to…给…寄…a picture of…一张**how much多少钱h**e fun玩得开心far from …离…远traffic lights交通信号灯turn left/right向左/右转go back返回postoffice邮usethecomputer用电。

局脑。at the end在末尾forget to do…忘记做…remember to do…记得做…a gift from…一个来自……的礼物sleep in bed在床上睡觉put…on…把…放在….上we write a letter on *****.


we write an email on a computer.我们在电脑上写电子邮件。

i want to send this postcard to my mum and dad.我想给我的爸爸妈妈寄这张明信片。how much is this postcard?

这张明信片多少钱?i’ll take nine,please.请给我拿9张。

we are h**ing fun in beijing.我们在北京玩得开心。--where do you put the address?

你把地址放在**?--on the right.在右边。

-where the post office?邮局在**?

-go straight. turn left at the traffic lights.直走。

在交通信号灯处左转。i’m writing an email to steven.我正在给斯蒂文写信。

don’t forget to write to us.别忘了给我们写信。


重点句子。unit 4did you h**e a nice trip ?




式)went去;走;离开(go的过去式)saw看见(see的过去式)was是;存在(am,is的过去式)happy快乐的;高兴的ate吃(eat的过去式)were是;存在(are的过去式)bought买(buy的过去式)back回原处;向后often常常;时常every每个second第二third第三fourth第四happen发生try尝试;努力class班级;课party聚会;宴会open打开be back回来every day每天be for you …送给你some photos一些**write back回信very happy非常开心the second day第二天last year去年last week上周this year今年this week本周this evening今晚try on试穿be on试穿be good for对…有好处on sundays在每个周日--did you h**e a nice trip?你有一个愉快的旅行吗?--yes!

i had a great trip!是的!我有一个愉快的旅行!

--what did you do yesterday?昨天你们做了什么?

-we walked to wangfujing street.我们不行去了王府井大街。i often watch tv at home.我经常在家看电视。

i watched a film last night.昨天晚上我看了场电影。

the second day,we went to the palace museum.第二天,我们去了故宫。i saw yesterday.我昨天看见了伍德老师。

we were on the train to beijing.我们在去北京的火车上。i was sad yesterday.

昨天我很伤心。please write back soon.请速回信。

we bought gifts for you in beijing .我们在北京给你们买了礼物。



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