
发布 2024-03-08 09:10:16 阅读 7917


sunday to the dinosaur park, on the bus i saw a very happy thing:

让座。offer one's seat





the bus was crowded, even a grain of rice can roll smoothly in the car in the past. for several uncle driver did not stop. just as i was packed breathe when suddenly a big brother to stand up, for i am standing on the left side of the old grandmother said:

"grandma, you come and sit down!" however, the old woman said: "you sit down, you young people to work hard.

" said with a smile on his face, big brother: "mother, you sit down, i still h**e 2 stops from here." the old woman nodded, this just sit back.

however, i h**e seen 2 station after big brother did not get off, but in the crowd, had only 6.7 stations to get off.


when the car home, but i met a very angry:

占座。occupying a seat



when i got on the bus, the car is not so crowded, i was lucky enough to find a seat. who knows, sitting on the empty seat next to see me to her side to go, even deliberately put the bag on the seat, make me laugh and cry. then a few station, i finally found a seat and sat down.

at this time, and came up to two people, the first person to put the bag on the seat next to me, he was sitting in a seat, the man later, pointed to the bag, the talent is reluctant to put the bag at his side.


china has many traditional virtue, but the virtue is always part of a forgotten or forgotten, we must carry forward the tradition, do good deeds, when a "one for all, all for me" civilized people.

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