四年级英语 上 第一单元检测题

发布 2024-03-06 02:20:11 阅读 5700




a. 教室 b.休息室 c. 图书馆 d.体育馆。

2. truck

a小汽车 b.卡车 c 出租车 d自行车。

3. fifty—eight

a58 b 48 d 37 d49

4. 远的。

anear b down c near dfar

aseventy-one b hundred c sixty d eighty


1. draw in the library.

in the art room.

in the canteen.

in the gym.


is ar a c )

(t n r u)

to theb l i a r y r ),read a book.

is thec a l s s o o r m ).

theg m y ),let’s play.


) me,where is the hotel?

) the gym far from here?

) are you gonging?

) it a car?

a. is near.

b. you’re welcome.

c. well,just go straight down the street and turn left at the traffic lights.

d. to the office.

e. is a bus.



a. is this the teacher’s library?

b. is this teacher’s office?

c. is this student’s office?


is classroom?

b. excuse me,where is the classroom ?

is your classroom ?


a. where is the library?

is the library.

is the classr


can show you . don’t know is the way.


down this street and turn right .

don’t know.


1.we h**e a new教室).

2.here is a自行车)

3. three___four___seven.(3+4=7).

4、go __down this street . 直走。

5、turn right at the交通灯)


this is our school. let’s go and h**e a look. this is the teacher’s office.

that is my classroom. there are fifty-six students in my class. this way, please.

the library is on the second floor. my gym is not on the second floor. it’s on the first floor.

the canteen is very big. i h**e lunch at school. and i h**e dinner at home.

my school is cool. do you like my school? we like our school.


1)the library is on the first floor.(

2)the gym is on the second floor. (

3)our school is beautiful

(4)i h**e dinner at school. (

5) the canteen is cool. (


1). how many students are there in your class?

2). where is the library?

3). where is the gym?


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