六年级英语期中综合练习 一

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青岛莱芜一路小学2013-2014学年度第一学期英语学科六年级阶段测查 (时间:40分钟)

listening part 听力部分。

. listen and choose. 选出听到的单词或词组,并将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。(10%)

. listen and tick. 根据录音内容,在相应**下面的括号里划“√”表示。(10%)

. listen and choose. 听问句,选答语。(10%)

) 1. a. it’s fifty years old.

b. it’s fifty metres long.

c. it’s very old.

) 2. a. it’s two hundred years old.

b. yes, it is.

c. no, it doesn’t.

) 3. a. i went to the chinatown yesterday.

b. i went swimming yesterday.

c. i saw chinese dancing.

) 4. a. i’ve got a computer.

b. yes, he is.

c. he has got a desk and a bed.

) 5. a. yes, you can write to her.

b. you can write to her.

c. no, he can’t.

iv.listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子是否符合短文意思,符合的用“√”表示, 不符合的用“×”表示。(10%)

)1. christmas is simon’s f**ourite.

)2. thanksgiving is in november.

)3. families h**e a big, special dinner.

)4. thanksgiving isn’t very important in america.

)5. daming wrote a poem about thanksgiving.

v. listen and complete. 听录音,补全短文。(10%)

hi, i’m sophie. chinese new year is my f**ouritewe arenowadays, some of us h**e a big dinner in chinesewe all __dumplings, the traditional chinese food. and we saw chineseon tv.

it is terrific, isn’t it?

writing part 笔答部分。

vi. read and choose. 读一读,选出最佳答案,将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。(10%)

1. tell methe museum.

a. of b. to c. about d. in

2. the great wall is ten thousand li

a. old b. long c. tall d. big.

3. there __a big chinatown in new york.

a. is b. are c. be d. were.

4. we ate in anchinese restaurant.

a. america b. american c. england d. china

5. these stamps are __america.

a. into b. of c. from d. in

6. it’s a picturehainan island.

a. into b. of c. next d. front

7. we say thank you __all the good things.

a. at b. of c. for d. from

8. -when is thanksgiving?

-- it’s __the third thursday __november.

a. on, of b. in, of

c. in, on d. of, in

9. i’m frombut i can speak __

a. english, chinese b. england, china

c. china, english d. chinese, england

10. i can write __amy __english.

a. in, to b. to, from

c. for, in d. to, in

vii. look and write. 看图补全句子,每空填一个单词。(10%)

1. -how old is the great wall?

-- it’stwo thousand years old.

2. -what did you do?

-- we saw

3. -can you___me about thanksgiving?

-- yes. we h**e a bigdinner.

4. -what are you doing?

-- i’m __my new stamps into my __

5. -can i __to her?

-- yes, you __

viii. read and write. 按要求完成句子。(10%)

1. we / in /ate/ chinese/ a/ restaurant (连词成句)

2. yesterday/went to /a / i/ library(连词成句)

3. want/a /i/ pen pal/ chinese (连词成句)

4. h**e you got any stamps from china? (请给出否定回答)

___i __

5. the moon is millions of years old. (就划线部分提问)

is the moon?

ix. reading. 阅读理解。(共15%)

read and judge. 读短文,用“√”判断句子是否符合短文意思。(5%)

boy: can you tell me about christmas?

girl: it’s a very important festival in many countries. it is on the 25th of december.

people put special trees in their homes. there are lights in the streets and shops. we give presents and send cards.

we love it.

) 1. christmas is for saying “thank you”.

) 2. christmas isn’t an important festival in many counties.

) 3. christmas is in december.

六年级英语综合练习 A

一 翻译下列词句。1 我们的学校 2。他女儿的名字 3 我的儿子4。在那边 5 遇见汤姆的父母 6。看上去年老 7 一张汤姆家的全家照 8。格林夫人的朋友 9 一位英语老师 10。在他姐姐后面 11 几位工人 12。在墙上 13 在椅子下面 14。一张旧 15 坐下 16。一位老工人 17 在公园里...


姓名 一 积累运用语文基础知识。50分 1 看拼音写同音字,组成词语。6分 j 驰着使 y 立力 志。j 凝怕火 h n 纵权永 2 用 标出加点字的正确读音。6分 负隅 y y 顽抗横行 x ng h ng 霸道。脱颖而出 y ng y n 山路陡峭 xi o qi o 要强好胜 h o h o ...


成绩。一 看拼音写词语,要求写得正确 美观。7分 x sh n m i z n j ncu hu l x n y olu y b ju 二 按要求答题。3 4 3 4 2 16分 1 一 在下列词语中怎样读,请标出声调。3分 yiyi yi yi yi yi 一目十行正月初一一板一眼一心一意。2 关...