
发布 2024-02-16 02:20:11 阅读 3278



) 1、a. stopb、waitc、go

) 2、a、by bike b、on footc、by train

) 3、a、this morning b、tomorrow c、this evening

) 4、a、fridayb、tuesdayc、saturday

) 5、a、hospitalb、libraryc、bookstore

) 6、a、next tob、nearc、far from


) 8、a、at 7:40b、at 7:30c、at 7:50


) 10、 a、stop at a red lightb、 wait at a yellow light.

c、go at a green light.

二、根据你听到的句子意思判断下列**或句子的正误,对的打“√ 错的打“ ╳10分)

6、my mother is a teacher

7、jane’s f**ourite colour is red.(

8、the supermarket is her, you can go there on foot

9、it’s sunday today

10、the cinema is south of the bank.(


)1、a、yes, you canb、you can go by the no. 12 bus.

c、i can go by the no. 12 bus.

( )2、a、yes, it’s far from hereb、yes, it’s near here.

c、no, it’s far from here.

( )3、a、yes, i do. b、yes, he does. c、yes, she does.

)4、 a、i’m going to buy some books. b、i’m going there by bus.

c i’m going there at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

) 5、a、no, he does. b、yes, she does. c、yes, he does.


、a:__the hospital?

b:it’s __of the science museum .

2、a:how can youthere

b:i can __the no.8 bus.

3、a:what are you going to do on the

b:i’m going to __my grandparents.

4、she usually __to school __her friends.

5、we can __left __the bus stop .


)1、mary lives in china.

)2、mary’s father is a doctor.

)3、mary’s mother is a doctor, too.

)4、mary’s school is not near.

)5、mary goes to school by car.


一、中英短语互译。 (10分)

1、乘坐自行车6、next to the science bookstore

2、转右7、north of the hospital

3、交通规则8、far from america

4、两间图书馆9、take a trip

5、去看电影10、fruit stand


( )a、bus b、plate c、ship d、plane

( )a、wait b、get c、go d、left

( )a、whose b、white c、what d、how

) a、north b、math c、east d、west

( )a、teacher b、driver c、work d、worker


)1、in australia , drivers drive on the __of the road.

a、left b、right c、turn left

)2、hainan is __of the china.

)3、shanghai is far___hongkong.

a、for b、with c、from

)4、jenny and i usually __sports on saturdays.

a、playing b、plays c、play

)5、today is my sister’s __birthday.

a、five b、fifth c、fiveth

)6、i h**e __art book for you.

a、a b、an c、the

)7、sarah is going to buy some plants in the __

a、shoe store b、plant shop c、fruit shop

)8、i’m going to the park __sunday morning.

a、 inb、on c、at

) 9、we are going to go hiking __weekend.

a、onb、at c、next

)10、there __any people here.

a、 isn’t b、are c、aren’t

)11、happy children’s day

a、the same to you b、thank you c、ok

)12t-shirt is new ,but __is old.

a、my , you b、her , mine c、yours ; your

( )13、 –is there a cinema near here ? yes,__

a、it isb、there are c、there is

)14、mother’s day is thesunday in may.


)15、she can __the no. 12 bus to the park.

a、takes b、taking c、take


1、my uncle usually goes to the park by bus. (划线提问)

___does __uncle usually go to the park ?

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