
发布 2024-02-13 23:20:09 阅读 3209


1. the football under the table ishe).

2. helenvisit) her grandparent on sunday.

3. did youwatch) a film last week .

4. i'd likeh**e)



1. the football under the table ishe).

2. helenvisit) her grandparent on sunday.

3. did youwatch) a film last week .

4. i'd likeh**e) a party.

5. they arewater) flowers at home .

6. wemilk) cows and picked apples on a farm .

7. helen's familybe) at home last sunday .

8. please openthey) fori ).

9. the new mirror isshe).

10. jim likeswatch) tv very much .

11. theygo) to a farm on christmas day .

12do) ben and mikego) to school together ?

13. suyang islook) forshe) camera now .

14. new year's day iscome).

15. wehelp) her withdo) housework just now .

16. shelikelisten) to music.

17. peoplego) to the park every morning .

18. listen! the girlsing) over there .

19. mikeh**e) a blue ballnoon. and ih**e) a green one .

20. therebe) some bread on the plate .can ih**e) some ?

21. let’sclean) the windows.

22. when’she) birthday?

23. now the children aresing) the song .

24. ben oftenh**e) breakfast at seven in the morning .

25. ibe) at school a moment ago ,ibe) at home now .

26. the girlvisit) doctor wang last month .

27. sunday is theone) day of a week.

28. can you helpshedo) housework?

29. listen ! the little girl iscry).

30. the man in a white shirt is the parkkeep).

31. there was anexcite)volleyball match in their school last week.

32. they are going to h**e a sports day on thetwenty-one) of december.

33. would you likeany) bread ?

34. my birthday’s on thethree) of november.

35. today isteachers) day.

36. mikenot) like listening to music.

37. wang binggive) ben a new model plane as a birthday present yesterday.

38. do you likecollect) stamps ?

39. where are youcd) ?theybe)in the desk yesterday evening.

40. therebe) a pair ofglass) on the sofa now .

41. all the workers are veryexcite).

42. the race is veryexcite) .

43. shedraw) pictures every week .

44. your shoesbe) there just now .

45. go and askhe) the way .

46. we areh**e) a birthday party .

47. therebe) a big cake and some candles .

48. it is thefive) of october .

49. my birthday’s coming . let’shas)a party .

50. we are nowlive) in china .

51. how manyapple) are there ?

52ben) birthday is on the second day of january.

53. helenh**e) a birthday party at home .

54. ben and jim usuallygo) home together.

55. would you likecome) my birthday party .

56. they aretalk) about ben’s birthday .

57. itbe) the children’s day last week .

58. today is thetwo) day of school .

59. tomgo) to school every day.


小升初英语语法时态讲解与归纳 一 一般现在时 一。意义 表示经常发生的事情,动作或存在的状态。二。构成及变化。动词的变化。肯定句 主语 be am,is,are 其它。如 i am a boy。我是一个男孩。否定句 主语 be not 其它。如 he is not a worker。他不是工人。一般...


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