小学六年级英语句子复习 一

发布 2024-02-12 22:10:05 阅读 5392


what’s your name?你叫什么名字?

what’s in the picture/ your schoolbag/ your pencil-case/ the classroom?图画/书包/文具盒/教室里有什么?

what do you like?你喜欢什么?

what’s your father?你的父亲是做什么的?

what would you like?你喜欢(吃)什么?

what’s this?这是什么?

what’s his /her name?他/她叫什么名字?

what about you?你呢?

what are you going to do after school/ this weekend/ this evening /this afternoon?放学后/这个周末/今晚/今天下午你打算做什么?

what are you going to buy?你打算买什么?

what does he like to do?他喜欢做什么?

what’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

what does she/ he /your father/ your mother do?她/他/你的父亲/你的母亲做什么工作?

what are you going to be?你打算成为。人)?

what should we do then?那时我们该做什么?

what time is it?几点钟了?

what does she do?她干什么的?

what color is it?它是什么颜色的?

what are they?他们是什么?他们是做什么工作的?

what are you doing?你正在干什么?

what’s the weather like in beijing?北京的天气怎么样?

what’s the matter?怎么啦?

what size?什么尺寸?

what do you see in the picture?**中你看见了什么?

what are these?这些是什么?

what do you do on the weekend?在周末你做什么?

what’s your f**ourite season?你最喜爱的季节是什么?

what’s the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎样?

what would you like to do/eat?你想做/吃什么?

what is zip’s f**ourite season?zip最喜爱的季节是什么?

what’s the date today?今天是几号?

what’s she doing?她正在干什么?

what are they doing?她们正在干什么?

what is it doing?它正在干什么?

what are the ducks doing?鸭子们正在干什么?

what do ants like to eat?蚂蚁喜欢吃什么?

what do you h**e?你有什么?

what are you reading?你在吃什么?

what’s that?那是什么?

what do you do when you h**e the flu?患感冒时你怎么办?

what did you buy?你买了什么?

what did you do last weekend?上周末你做了什么?

what about /how about grapes?..葡萄怎么样?

what do you want to do?你想要做什么?

what’s in that tiny seed?小种子里有什么?

what can mike do in the four seasons in canada在加拿大,mike在四季里能做什么?

what’s he/she/it like?他/她/它喜欢什么?

what day is it today?今天星期几?

what do you h**e on thursday?周四你上什么课?

what do you do on weekends?周末你做什么?

what’s your f**ourite day/food/fruit?你最喜爱的一天/食物/水果是什么?

what can you /he /she /it do?你/他/她/它能做什么?

howhow are you?你好吗/

how about you?你呢/

how old are you?你几岁?

how many candles /balloons /books /gifts are there?那里有多少蜡烛/气球/书 /礼物?

how do you go to school /canada?

how about by taxi?

how can i get to zhongshan park /the zoo?

how do you go there?

how does he go to school/ work?

how does the water become vapour?

how do you do that?

how he**y/ tall /old are you?

how big are your feet?

how long are your legs?

how large is your room?

how long is your bed?

how do you plant a tree?

how many students are there in your class?

how much is it/are they?

how many horses/bears are there?

how many cows/ apples do you h**e?

how do i look?

how about this pair?

how does amy feel?

how many kites can you see?

whowho’s there?

who is wearing yellow today?

who are you?

wherewhere is my seat/the trash bin/ your pen?

where are the keys/ my shoes/ they?

where is your home /hospital/ cinema/ bookstore /library/ museum /shoe store?

where are you going tomorrow?

where do they live?

where does he work?

where does the rain /cloud/ vapour/ flower come from?

where is the canteen/library/ art room?

where is my t-shirt/ my car?

where did you go on your holiday?

where are you from?

where is your mouth?

whowho’s your friend/principal/he?

who’s your math teacher?

who are you?

who has a birthday in october?

who is taller than you?

who is he**ier than you?

who’s that woman?

whichwhich floor?

which is mike’s times table?

which season do you like best?

which season does zhangpeng like best?

which monkey do you like?

which monkey is stronger?

whosewhose is it/this/that?

whenwhen do you get up?

when do you do morning exercises /eat breakfast/ go to school?

when is children’s day?

whywhy do you like spring?

why not?

isis she in the study?

is there a cinema near here?

is it far from school?

is your pen pal a boy or a girl?

is this the library/tv room/teacher’s desk /your bedroom/ your aunt?

is that a picture?

is your birthday in february?

is he watching ants?

is she your sister?

is she/he young/kind/strict/active/quiet/old?

areare they nice/ sheep/ all right?

are those cucumbers?

are you under the table?

are you helpful at home?

are there any bridges in your village?

can can i h**e some chicken/ a coke?

can i go on foot?

can you go by ship or train?

can he go with us?

can you help me go up to the sky?

can i h**e a try?


unit1 1 你正在做什么?2 我正在擦窗户。3 他正在做什么?4 他正在煮面条。5 这个女人正在做什么?6 她正在跳舞。7 他正在画画吗?8 是的,他是。9 不,他不是。unit21 我没在拍照。2 你们正在写信吗?3 是的,我们是。4 不,我们不是。5 你们正在做什么?6 我们正在爬山。7 他...


句子成分 members of the sentence 英语的句子由主语部分与谓语部分组成。具体地讲,主要有下列六种句子成分 1 主语 subject 它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体。如i study english 我学习英语 中的i。2 谓语动词 predicate verb 它是说...


小学六年级英语句子成分复习资料。英语的句子由主语部分与谓语部分组成。具体地讲,主要有下列六种句子成分 1 主语 subject 它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体。如i study english 我学习英语 中的i。2 谓语动词 predicate erb 它是说明主语的动作或状态的,如i ...