
发布 2024-02-11 03:45:13 阅读 1881

1. hi! my name is harry.

i live with my family in this c**e. ilike to make new things.


2. this is chief grump. he is always mad about is his birthday.

maybe my present can make him happy. wow! ih**e never seen anything like it!

这是chief grump。他经常发火。明天是他的生日。大概我的礼物会让他开心吧。哇!我从没见过像它这么棒的礼物。

3. it's time for chief grump's party. he gets lots of rock, some wood, a fish and a bone.

chief grump says, "i do not wantthese!" he throws them down the hill.

是chief grump生日宴会的时间了。他说,“我不想要什么生日宴!”他把所有的东西扔下了山。

4. now chief grump opens my present. "what does it do?

" everyonelooks at my new thing. but no one can guess what it does. not even me.

然后chief grump打开了我的礼物。“这是用来干嘛的?”所有人都看着我的新发明。但是没人能猜出这是个什么东西。就连我自己也不知道。

5. chief grump says, "it does not do anything!" he kicks it downthe hill.

hey! now i know what this new thing does. it rolls!

chief grump说,“它什么用处也没有!”他把它踢下了山。嗨!我终于知道了这个新发明的用处了。它可以滚!

6. i take it back. i put something here.

i add something chief grump will like it now. i tell him, "sit here. put your feetthere.

" i give him a push.


7. look! i make something really new. and i make chief grumpsmile!

瞧!我真的发明了新玩意。我让chief grump笑了。


1. "clifford, i h**e to go out now. will you help me take careof wally?

" says emily. clifford wags his tail.


2. cleo and t-bone come to visit. "wally is so lovely.

can wetake him out and play with him?" says cleo. "ok!

" says clifford.


3. clifford opens the cage, and wally runs away. clifford andhis friends run after him.

t-bone is stuck in a log.


4. where is wally? the three dogs run here and there, but stillcan't find wally.

"there he is!" says clifford. "gosh, he's fast!

" sayscleo.


5. "where is he going?" asks t-bone.

"i don't know. but i knowwhere i would go if i were a rabbit." says clifford.

they run to thevegetable farm. and there is wally!


6. "he'll never want to go home. and i'm too tired to catchhim," says cleo.


7. "we can't catch wally. but we can catch a carrot." saysclifford.


8. wally runs after clifford all the way home. wally wants toeat the carrot, so he goes back to his cage.



m a little black puppy. i live in a pet shop. soon i willh**e a kid of my own.


2. this is a boy for me. he says hello.

he pats my head. woof!woof!

he takes me home.


3. i start taking care of my boy right away. i keep him clean.


4. i teach him about tug-of-war .


5. my boy is not good at everything. he can not dig very fast.


6. he can not hide under the bed.


7. he can not run as fast as i can.


8. i run and run. oh, no!

i do not see my boy. is he lost? ilook everywhere, but i can't find him.


9. now i see my boy. he sees me too.

woof! woof! i tell my boyhe must not get lost again.



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