
发布 2024-02-11 03:40:13 阅读 5086


unit11、在森林里in the forest 2、又大又强壮large and strong3、一天one day4、路过walk by

5、叫醒狮子wake the lion up 6、想要吃这只老鼠want to eat the mouse7、某一天some day8、让这只老鼠走let the mouse go

9、第二天the next day10.用他的尖利的牙咬这张网bite the net with his

sharp teeth

11、出去get out12、就在那时just then

13、做一个大的洞make a big hole 14、从那时起from then on

15、变成朋友become friends 16、擅长乒乓球be good at table tennis/begood at playing table tennis17、为他们大声欢呼cheer for them loudly18、用力打球hit the ball hard 19、太深too deep

20、够得着它reach it21、迅速带来一些水bring some water quickly22、把它倒进洞里pour it into the holeunit2

23、一个男孩/女孩a good boy/girl24、有许多好的习惯h**e many good habits

25、早早起床get up early26、从不晚睡觉never go to bed late27、刷他的牙齿brush his teeth 28、在睡觉前before bedtime29、把他的东西摆放整齐put his things in order

30、完成他的家庭作业finish his homework 31、在晚饭前before dinner32、听他的教师listen to his teachers 33、做得好do well34、保持他的房间干净和整洁keep his room clean and tidy

35、帮助他的父母help his parents 36、有一些坏习惯h**e some bad habits37、做他的家庭作业做得晚do his homework late 38、在夜间at night39、早早去睡觉go to bed early 40、感觉困feel sleepy41、know ..well很了解42、走得快walk fast

43、昨天夜里last night44、show...around...带。

参观。45、走进客厅go into the living room 46、又大又干净big and clean47、在地面上on the floorunit3

48、喜欢吃糖果like eating sweets

49、喜欢喝水like drinking water 50、喝一点水drink a little water51、对于午餐和晚餐for lunch and dinner 52、一些鱼some fish53、吃许多米饭eat a lot of rice54、一些肉some meat55、几个鸡蛋a few eggs56、每周every week

57、一个健康的饮食a healthy diet 58、许多面条a lot of noodles59、吃一个鸡蛋eat an egg60、吃一些肉eat some meat

61、一些蔬菜some vegetables62、吃一点米饭eat a little rice63、甜食sweet food64、一次at a time

65、吃一些水果eat some fruit66、许多食物much food67、一些饮料some drinks68、一些可乐some cola

69、带一个小瓶子take a small bottle 70、许多米饭a lot of rice71、太重too he**y72、休息h**e a restunit4

73、马路安全road satety74、许多繁忙的马路many busy roads

75、安全地过马路cross the roads safely 76、寻找一条斑马线look for a zebracrossing77、保证安全keep safe78、在人行道上等waitonthep**ement 79、小心车辆lookoutforcarsandbikes80、看左边look left

81、和其他人with other people82、很容易看到你see you easily83、在马路上on the road84、遵守规则follow the rules85、保持安全stay safe86、到达你的家get to your house87、乘公交车take the bus88、上公交车get on the bus89、走得快go fast90、继续走go onunit5

91、儿童节children’s day92、这个周日this sunday

93、举行一个聚会h**e a party94、在迈克的家里at mike’s house95、卖一些小吃和饮料buy some snacks and drinks

96、带来一些玩具bring some toys 97、和她的朋友们玩play with her friends98、把他们的东西带到麦克的家里bring their things to mike’s house99、一些气球some balloons100、玩玩具play with the toys101、在这个聚会上at the partyunit6

102、一个有趣的国家an interesting country103、学习关于澳大利亚的知识learn about australia

104、下一周next week105、在上课前before the lessons

106、问我的网友ask my e-friend107、寄给我一些**send me some photos108、来自澳大利亚come from australia

109、读关于澳大利亚的知识know about australia110、在网上ontheinternet111、寻找书和杂志lookforbooksandmagazines112、许多有趣的东西manyinterestingthings113、一个漂亮的城市a beautiful city

114、每年every year115、欢迎参观者welcome visitors116、想要成为want to be117、读报纸read news*****s

118、煮鱼cook fish119、做一个水果沙拉make a fruit salad120、what do you think?你觉得呢?unit7

121、暑假计划summer holiday plans

122、谈论他们的计划talk about their plans 123、回到伦敦go back to london

124、多久how long125、在那儿呆一个月stay there for a month126、拜访我的叔叔和阿姨visit my aunt and uncle127、thatsounds great.那听起来不错。

128、乘飞机by plane129、乘火车去go by train

130、去迪士尼go to disneyland 131、给你一些**show you some photos132、假期过后after the holiday

133、一本旅游指南a tr**el book 134、周游世界tr**el around the world

135、参观许多地方visit many places 136、乘坐出租车take a taxi137、到达英国get to the ukunit8

1、我们的梦想our dreams2、在未来in the future

3、关心他们的牙齿careabouttheirteeth 4、乘坐宇宙飞船飞向月球flyaspaceshipto the moon5、一位足球运动员a football player

6、在世界杯上in the world cup 7、使人们变得又健康又漂亮make people

healthy and beautiful8、给孩子们写故事write stories for children9、使人们变得开心makepeoplehappy10、实现cometrue

11、努力学习study hard1213、做更多的运动do more sport1415、画画paint pictures1617、去烹饪学校go to cooking school 18、又勇敢又强壮br**e and strong、喜欢画画like painting

上画画课h**e painting lessons

有一个梦想h**e a dream


unit 1 1 a lot of questions许多问题。2 public signs 公共标志。3 they mean different things他们意思不同。4 different things不同的事物 东西 5 what does it mean?它是表示什么意思?6 you m...


unit the king s new clothes 1 his turn 轮到他。2 be quick 快点。3 be angry 发怒。4 think hard 努力思考。5 work hard 努力工作。6 clever people 聪明的人。7 foolish people 愚蠢的人。8...

