六年级英语毕业总复习综合训练题 二

发布 2024-01-31 23:40:02 阅读 2001




) 1. a. clean b. breakfast c. teacher ( 6. a . hat b. lake c. sat

) 2. a. where b. there c. desk b. test c. he

) 3. a. excited b. find c. live8. a. in b. bike c. relative

)4. a. hole b. stop c. cola9. a. today b. go c. photo

)5. a. carton b. dollar c. stars10. a. but b. drum c. blue

) think b .thing c .father16. a. hear b. wear c. pear

) diary c .my17. a. relative b. very

) how b .now c .know18. a. think b. father c. throat

) ride b .kite c .fish19. a. island b. test c. asked

) go b .lost c .drop20. a. diary c. cry

) look b. too c. great b. bread

) 22. a. find b. bike c. bear b. dear c. near

) 23. a. lamp b. day c. about b. found

) where b. what c. gate b. garage c. magic

) 25. a. head b. bread c. break ( how b. slow c. down


1. what’s the最大的) animal in the world ?

2. i was等待) for my friend at 3:30 .

3. jenny was laughing大声地) .

4. what do they do ? they are医生) .

5. there are四十) students in the classroom .

6. what did you do last星期三).

7. is his coat黑色的) or white?

8. i听) a noise from the hole yesterday.

9. it’s下雪的) and cold outside .please put on your coat.

10. her mother洗) the dishes every day.

you做 ) the meals, li lei ?

are two手表 ).you can choose one.

is good at游泳 ).

看 ) a new story book yesterday.

is更重的 ) than lisa.

will be有云 ) tomorrow.

plays the piano every星期三 ).

jenny enjoy听 ) to music?

has a beautiful绿色的 ) skirt.

20冬天 ) is my f**orite season.

21. this pencil is长的)than the ruler.

22. tree planting day is in三月).

23. we给)them some cakes yesterday.

24. 教)us english.

25远足)is my f**orite sport.

26. i h**e a beautiful图画).

27. who is年长的),ann or kate?

28. my pencil is便宜的)than yours.

29. which is大的),a cat or a monkey?

30. my最喜爱的)animal is hippo.

31. march isday. (妇女 )

32. we can go swimming in夏天 )

33. my f**orite color is棕色 )

34. i买 ) a pair of s unglasses yesterday.

35. getting大量 ) of exercise is good for us.

36. which is faster,the plane or the火车 )

3710th is teacher’s day.( 九月 )

38. we don’t go to school on sunday and星期六 )

39. there are many桃子 ) on the tree.

40. jim got up late and错过 ) the bus this morning.



can youyour clothes, please? sure.


lucyheryesterday. she was

3. 吃足够的蔬菜。那对你有好处。

eatof vegetables. that’syou.


to the traffic light .

5. 你的新公寓将会有两个阳台吗?

there twoin your new


my father was at theyesterday afternoon.


tony __the game, because hemostin his class.


from __on, i want to getexercise.


we mustof ourselves.


jelly is


i can’t __out with you ,it’soutside.


my little brother isi.


whichdo you like


school class name 日常用语。1 问候 打招呼及回应 2 介绍 3 问某物是什么及回答。4 问某人姓名及回答。5 问物或人在哪儿及回答。6 问年龄。7 问数量及回答。8 问颜色及回答。9 说有。10 喜欢与不喜欢。11 问时间及回答。12 问某地有什么。13 问乘坐的交通工具及回答。...


六年级英语毕业总复习 形容词 副词的比较级和最高级。形容词 副词的比较级和最高级。一般来说,中文意思是 的 的词是形容词,而中文意思是 地 的词是副词。一 形容词概念。形容是用来修饰物体的形状,大小,长度,属性,特点等,位于名词的前面。如 1 he is a hard working student...


人教版小学语文毕业综合卷 一 卷面整洁2分 学校班级姓名。一 基础知识积累与运用 35 1 在句中横线处填入恰当的汉字。4 然他已经丧失了分是非的能力,那么,使跟他争得面红耳赤,恐怕也是无济于事。既,即,辨,辩 2 填写相应的成语并选择一个造句。5 1 鼎 在中国古代社会生活中的地位突出,人们常用来...