年六年级上册英语国庆复习题 2

发布 2023-12-08 22:10:10 阅读 7201


理想文化教育培训中心) 姓名成绩。

unit 2 ways to go to school.


1. 能够听、说、认读相关的单词并灵活运用。

2. 能够熟练朗读并背诵相关课文。

3. 能够听说并运用相关的重点句型并加以运用。



听力部分。一、 听录音,判断下列**与所听到内容是否相符。


1. a:__do you go to beijing?

b: i usually go by __

2. a:__is the post office?

b: it’s __my home.

3down andat the yellow light.

4. let’s go to the

5ito school.

二、 听录音,判断下列句子的对错,对的写“t”,错的写”f”。

)1. amy and john can’t stop at a red light.

)2. amy and john are going to the gym.

)3. amy and john can’t go at a red light.

)4. amy and john can go at a green light.

)5. amy and john must wait at a yellow light.



1. there arelights in the traffic lights.

2. red means you should

3. we must slow __at a yellow light.

4. please go at alight.

5. you can drive __theside of the road in guangzhou.

6. in hk, we must lookbefore we cross the road.

三、 阅读短文,完成练习。

look at the traffic lights. you can see there are three: yellow, red and green.

red means stop, yellow means wait and green means go. when you go at the crossing, you must obey it. in china, you can go or drive on the right side of the road.

so you must know and remember the traffic rules(规则).

)1. there are three traffic lights: red, black and green.

)2. red light means stop.

)3. in china,drivers can go on the left side of the road.

)4. everyone should remember and obey the traffic rules.

四、 根据给出的图和提示,完成下列对话。

a:excuse me, bailingcan ito the bookstore.

b: oh, you can __therebike.

a: can i go there on

b: of course, if youit’s not so __

ayou like __come with me? there are many new __there.

b: ok, let’s go.

a: today is sunday, would you like to __sports?

b: good idea! but the gym is far from my home.

a: can we get there __bus?

b: yes.

a: then let’s go to the bookstore first.

b: ok.


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