
发布 2023-12-03 21:15:06 阅读 3785

house ——building, dwelling, lodge

ancient ——aged, antique, elderly

business ——job, affair, trade

protect ——defend, shield, ensure

misleading ——deceptive, delusive, delusory

emotion ——sentiment, excitement, sensitivity

measure ——compare, rank, estimate, appraise

reduce ——cut back, lower, decrease

growth ——development

profession ——career

increase ——add to, raise, enlarge, expand

progress ——advance, proceed, go ahead

technology ——skill, technique

highway ——road, freeway, expressway

associate ——join, connect, combine, unite

method ——way, manner, plan, form, design, arrangement

convenience ——comfortable

profit ——gain, benefit, advantage, proceeds

research ——delve, inquire, hunt, look into

experiment ——test, prove, research

incident ——happening, event, occurrence, affair

argument ——dispute, controversy

fault ——mistake, error, defect, flaw, misdeed

rubbish ——waste, trash, garbage

decision ——condusion, determination

stress ——force, strain, tension, pressure

crisis ——emergency, critical, piont

automobile ——motorcar, lorry, truck, car, bus, coach

recreation ——play, amusement, pleasure, pastime

forbid ——stop, pronibit, prevent

benefit ——caitalize, profit

elder ——older, senior

material ——substance, stuff, matter

individual ——single, separate, personal

reason ——cause, logic, explanation

underwater ——deep-sea

**erage ——普通的]:usual, ordinary, passable

regulate ——管理]:manage, direct, handle, control

调整]:adjust, remedy, rectify, correct

although表转折 ——despite, but, however, in fact, indeed

possess拥有 ——own, h**e, hold, control, maintain, occupy

promotion促进,提升,提拔 ——advancement, forwarding, improvement, rise, betterment, progress

negotiation谈判,协商,准备 ——arrange, settle, mediate, talk over

engage从事,占去, 卷入 ——involve, entangle

benefit利益,得益 ——capitalize, profit

settle定居 ——occupy, inhabit, live in, locate, conolize

immigrants移民 ——people from other countries

employment就业 ——job, career

to keep a record记录 ——to keep a diary

action行为 ——what they did

lapse错误 ——error, fault, slip,research研究,调查 ——delve, search, study, investigate, inquire, explore, look into

layoff解雇 ——unemployment, downsizing in workers

associate联合 ——join, connect, unite, combine

opponent对手 ——enemy, foe, adversary, competitor, rival, saboteur

argument争论 ——dispute, controversy

oppose反对——counteract, fight, struggle, resist, conflict with, refuse

realize认知,了解 ——understand, grasp, conceive, comprehend, appreciate



ability, -ibility(可…性,易…性)-acity, -acy, -cy(性质,状态,情况),-ade(动作,动作的结果), age(集合名词,总称), ancy, -ance, -arity, -ence, -ency, -esis(医学名词和疾病名称),-ety(性质,状态),-hood(身份,时期,资格,性质)-ing(行为,情况), ism(主义,宗教,制度), icity, -ity, -ment, -tion, -ry, -sion, -logy(学术);


ble, -ible, -ant, -ar, -ent, ,ic, -ful, -iac, -cal, -ish, -tious, -ive, -less, -ory,3、副词后缀;

ly, -wise


house building,dwelling,lodge ancient aged,antique,elderly business job,affair,trade protect defend,shield,ensure misleading deceptive,delusive,deluso...


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