a quarter of a fourth of 四分之一;
abandon give up 放弃;
abide by adhere to 服从,遵守;
abide by stick to 坚持,遵循;
ability capacity 能力;
abnormal unusual 不平常的,反常;
abrupt sudden 突然的;
absurd stupid 荒谬愚蠢的;
abundant plentiful 丰富的,大量的;
accelerate increase 增加;
accelerate step/speed up 加速、加快;
accordingly therefore 相应地,因此;
account for explain 解释;
accumulate collect 积累、积聚;
accumulate gather 聚集;
achieve attain 努力获取;
advancement promotion 进步提升;
adverse unf**orable 不利的、负面的;
advisable wise 明智的、可取的;
advocate suggest 主张,拥护;
aim goal 目标、目的;
alleviate lessen 减轻、缓解;
allocate assign 委派任命;
allocate distribute 分发、分配;
alternative choice 选择、二者之中其一;
ample enough 充足的;
annoying irritating 使人厌烦的;
annually every year 每年地;
anybody anyone 任何人;
anyhow anyway 无论、不管;
appalling dreadful /terrible 糟糕可怕的;
approach handle 处理;
arouse awake 唤醒;
arouse excite 唤起、刺激、激怒;
assemble gather (人)聚集;
assert state firmly/maintain 声称、宣称;
astonish surprise 使惊讶,吃惊;
at once immediately 立刻、马上;
at stake in danger 处于危险中;
attend to wait on 服务、招待、伺候;
attend go to 参加;
authentically genuinely 真正的;
authority government 当局、**;
ban forbid 禁止;
barren bare 贫瘠的;
bearing influence 影响;
beh**ior conduct 行为、举止;
blend mix 混合;
booming sucessful 繁荣成功的;
bordering on close to 接近于,几乎;
bound sure 必定的;
branch division 分支机构;
br**e courageous 勇敢的;
break beat 打破;
brief short 简短简洁的;
bump into run into 碰上遇上;
call …off cancel 停止、取消;
call …up telephone 打**;
call phone 打**;
capability ability 能力;
capacity volume 容量;
capture caught 抓获捕获;
cater for meet 满足、迎合;
celebrity star 明星名人;
census count 人口普查;
certain sure 肯定的;
charge…with… accuse…of…指控…犯…罪;
cheerful pleasant 高兴、愉快的;
childish immature 幼稚、不成熟的;
collaborate cooperate 合作、协作;
collide with run into 撞上,碰撞;
compel force 强迫、迫使;
compile write 书写,编纂;
complain feel unhappy 抱怨,不高兴;
complete finish 完成;
comprehend understand 理解;
concise short and clear 简洁、简明的;
concrete specific 具体的;
confess admit 承认;
confidential secret 秘密的;
conjunction with together with 共同、一起;
conscientious careful 认真、仔细的;
considerably greatly 很大地很多地;
consideration account 考虑;
consolidate strengthen 巩固、增强;
consume eat 消费,食用;
consume use 消费、使用;
contaminate pollute 污染;
contend argue 争辩、主张;
conversation talk 谈话;
convert turn/ change 转变兑换;
conviction belief 相信、信念;
courteous respectful 有礼貌的;
coverage reportage 新闻报道;
credible convincing 可信的;
cultivate develop 开发培养;
cut in interrupt 打断、插话;
damaging harmful 有害的;
dangerous hazardous 危险的;
deadly fatal 致命的;
debate discuss 讨论、辩论;
decent good 体面良好的;
decent honest 诚实、正派的;
deduce derive 推导,演绎;
defer postpone 延迟推延;
deliberately intentionally 故意地;
demolish disprove 反驳驳斥;
demolish pull down 拆毁, 毁掉;
densely compactly 紧凑地、密集地;
depict describe 描绘、描述;
desirable satisfactory 理想的、满意的;
deter inhibit 阻止、抑制;
diligent hardworking 勤奋的;
dimly faintly 昏暗地;
disappointing unsatisfactory 失望不满的;
discrimate distinguish 区分区别;
disorder confusion 无序、混乱;
diverse varied 多种多样的;
do away with get rid of 拆除、除掉;
draft formulate 起草、制定;
dramatic striking 显著的;
draw attract 吸引;
dull boring 沉闷无趣的;
duplicate copy 复制、复印;
durable long-lasting 持久的,耐用的;
dwell live 生活居住;
effect result 影响,后果;
elevate promote 提升晋升;
eligible entitled/qualifie有资格的合格的;
embody include 包含、包括;
end stop 停止;
ende**or to try to 尽力、想方设法;
endure bear 忍受承受;
enormous large 巨大的;
enormous immense 巨大的;
establish set up 建立;
eternal everlasting 永远的、没有尽头的;
eternally constant 永久的、不断的;
eventually finally 最终、最后;
exhaustive extremely thorough 详尽的、彻底的;
exhibit show 表现、展示;
expire die 到期死亡;
explore investigate 研究、**、调查;
extinction dying out 灭绝、死光;
extract obtain 获取;
extract take out 拔出、取出;
fascinate intrigue 使…着迷、产生兴趣;
fascinating wonderful 迷人精彩的;
faulty wrong 错误的;
final last 最后的;
find faults with criticize 批评挑错、指责;
fire dismiss 解雇;
firm company 公司;
follow understand 理解;
for love or money at any price 无论如何;
for the most part mostly 多半、大多数;
foster cultivate 培养、培育;
framework system 系统架构;
framework skeleton 框架,基本结构;
fury anger 愤怒;
gain profit 获利;
gain put on 增加;
gangster violent criminal 匪徒、歹徒;
depicts describes 描述,描写。defer postpone 推迟,延期,拖延。deliberately intentionally 故意地。deters inhibits 阻止。damaging harmful 有破坏性的,损害的。deadly fatal 致命的,致死的。dece...
序号选择词同义词词义。1 a better an improved 更好的。2 a branch a division 分支 机构 3 a plentiful an abundant 丰富的。4 abandon give up 放弃。5 abide by stick to 坚持,遵循。6 abnor...
dim faint vague 模糊的,暗淡的。adequate enough plenty of sufficient 充足的。adequate competent qualified 胜任的。mostly mainly for the most part 主要地。decide determine...