
发布 2023-12-03 10:59:09 阅读 1041


球门 goal

防守 guard defense

踢开 kick sth away

痛苦的 miserable torturous painful

年老体弱 old and infirm

想方设法 make every effort to do sth

孝道 filial piety

传统价值观 traditional values

造成有害影响 h**e a(n) bad/harmful/adverse influence on sb

推卸责任 shirk/abdicate the responsibility for sth

费劲心血 make painstaking efforts/expend all one’s energies

养老 take care of the old/support the aged

不愿意 be unwilling to do sth/be loath to do sth

意识到 realize/be aware of/be conscious of

责任 responsibility obligation duty

感到内疚 feel guilty/feel compunctious/h**e a guilty consciousness

遗弃 abandon desert

唤醒 awaken; rouse; wake up

道德意识 moral consciousness

受到道德谴责 be subjected to moral criticism

晚年 twilight years; old age; sunset; one’s later years; one’s remaining years

老年人 old people; the aged; the elderly

百善孝为先 charity begins at home

把名字写在脸上 h**e one’s name on the face

做个小贝头 h**e one’s haircut in sb model / ask the barber to cut his hair on the model of sb / do their hair to sb haristyle

理发师 barber; hairdresser; hair-stylist

追星star chasing; blindly follow the stars

追星族 superstars followers; crazy fans of the stars

盲目崇拜 blind worship; idolatry

偶像idol; icon

榜样 role model; example

…无可厚非 there is nothing wrong for sb to do sth; it is blameless/ unblamable for sb to do sth; it is blameless/ unblamble that

影响学业 affect one’s studies/ schoolwork

辍学 drop out; le**e off one’s studies

变得不听管教 run wild; become so hard to control

深感忧虑 be deeply concerned (for/ about/ sth /that); worry a lot (about); cause heightened concern

健康成长 grow up in good health

价值观 values; world view

前锋 football striker/ attacker/ forward

足球场 football field; football pitch

射门 shoot (at the goal)

防守 defend; guard

球门 goal

守门员 goal keeper

踢足球 kick the football

缺乏自信 lack of confidence

面对 face sth; be faced with sth; be confronted with sth

高估 overestimate

低估 underestimate

对手 opponent; rival; adversary

表明 indicate; reflect; state; clearly; demonstrate; manifest; reveal

十分重要 of great important/ significance

越来越激烈的竞争 the more and more furious/ fierce/ intense competition/ race

害怕 be frightened/ afraid/ scared; be in fear of

保持信心 keep self-confidence

解决问题 solve the problems

正确对待困难 view difficulty properly

增加自信 increase/ develop/ improve/ boost our self-confidence

转败为胜 turn failure into victory

优柔寡断 indecisive; irresolute(犹豫不决的) and hesitant; be weak and irresolute

怀疑某人的能力 doubt/ be doubtful about/ h**e doubts about one’s capabilities

合作 cooperation; teamwork; collaboration

共赢 win-win; all win; win for all

团队精神 team spirit; group spirit; community spirit

团结友爱 solidarity and friendship; fraternal unity

残疾人 handicapped man; the handicapped; the disabled

拐杖 crutch; walk stick

** tie up; bind

齐心协力 join hands (with); pull together; make concerned effort; pool one’s effort together

走南闯北 tr**el extensively

发人深省 thought-provoking; provide much food for deep thought

团队意识 sense of teamwork; team spirit

积极合作 take an active part in cooperation; cooperation actively

传统美德 traditional virtue; traditional moral value

优良传统 distinguished(卓越的)/ fine tradition

继承/发扬 carry on; carry forward

倡导 advocate

善待身边的人 show consideration for people around

和谐社会 a harmonious society

团结则存,裂则亡 united we stand, divide we fall

人心齐,泰山移 a people united can move mountains

网上冲浪 surf on the internet; surf online

流行 be popular; become popular; be in fasion

蜘蛛网式的房子 cobweb-like house; spider-web-like house

盯着电脑 stare at the computer

便利与快捷 convenience and efficiency

点击鼠标 click the mouse

及时沟通 communicate immediately

凡事皆有两面 every coin has two side

引起一些社会问题 cause/ rise to some social problems

虚拟网络 virtual net

对……漠不关心 be indifference to sb/sth; show indifference to sb/sth

无意识地 unconsciously

面对面交流 face-to-face communication

**聊天 chat online

使某人跟朋友疏远 alienate(使疏远离间使转移) one’s friend; estrange(使疏远)oneself from one’s friends

总而言之 all in all; in a word; to sum up

正确使用网络 properly utilize the internet; make use of the internet judiciously(明断的)

加强沟通 strengthen/ step up / enhance communication

文化融合 cultural integration; cultural fusion; the integration of cultures; the fusion of cultures

火锅 hot pot

食材 ingredient

作料 condiment; seasoning

佛 buddhism

仁 confucianism

道 taoism

礼 rite

启蒙 enlightenment

结构 deconstruction

后现代 post-modernity


2016考研英语词汇。in the course of 在 过程中,在 期间。of course 当然,自然,无疑。in danger 在危险中,垂危。out of danger 脱离危险。out of date 过期 时 的。up to date 时新的。in debt 欠债。in detail ...


意外事件,事故。成就,功绩。活跃,活动性,行动,行为。采用,收养。优势,有利条件,利益。常与can,could,be able to连用 担负得起费用 损失,后果等 花费得起,经受得住 抽得出 时间 野心,雄心。接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 vt.接近,动手处理 vi.靠近。吸引 vi....


一 图表作文常用词汇 图table 图表chart diagram graph column 描述 show describe illustrate reveal represent 数字figure 数据statistic 百分比percentage 比例proportion 上升 increas...