
发布 2023-12-03 01:49:08 阅读 7197

i. greetings 问候

1. good morning. 早上好。

2. nice to meet you. 很高兴认识您/你。

3. my name is …/i am…我的名字叫……/我是……

4. may i ask your name?请问你叫什么名字?

5. where are you from? 你是**人?

6. how are you?你好吗?

7. fine. thank you.很好。谢谢

8. hope you enjoy your stay here!祝你在这里过得愉快!

9. h**e a nice day!祝你愉快!(告别时用)

10. see you. 再见。

ii. asking for irections 问路

11. excuse me, where is the toilet/restroom?请问,厕所/洗手间在**?

12. how can i get to the subway station?去地铁站怎么走?

13. go straight.直走。

14. turn left/right.左/右转

across the road(the underpass/footbridge).穿过马路(地下通道/人行桥)。

16. it’s (not) far.(不)远。

17. it's a five-minute walk.走路五分钟。!

18. it is on tiyu xilu/on the fifth floor/on the left/right.在体育西路/五楼/你的左边/右边。

19. it is opposite (to) the bank. 在银行对面。

20. sorry, i don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。

iii. transportation 交通

21. which bus (which subway line) goes to beijing lu? 哪路车(几号地铁线)去北京路?

bus 544/line 1 goes there.544路公车/一号线去那儿。

22. which bus/line should i take to teem mall?要乘哪路车/几号线去天河城?

23. take bus 245/line 1.坐245路公车/一号线

h**e to change lines.你得换乘。

25. please change to line 1 at gongyuanqian.请在公园前转一号线。

26. what is the next stop?下站是哪个站?

27. sir/madam, where would you like to go?先生/女士,您要去哪儿?

28. it’s about a ten-minute drive. 大概十分钟车程。

29. there’s a traffic jam. 有点堵车。

30. sorry, i’m changing shift now. 对不起,我正赶去**。

iv. at the restaurant 餐馆就餐

31. how many in your party? 请问几位?

two/four/five…) 两位/四位/五位……)

32. this way, please. 这边请。

33. here is the menu. 这是菜谱。

34. what would you like to h**e?你们想吃些什么?

35. our specials are…我们的特色菜有……

36. i am a vegetarian/buddhist. 我是素食者/佛教徒。

37. i don’t eat (meat/pork/beef/seafood).我不吃(肉/猪肉/牛肉/海鲜)。

38. enjoy your meal!请慢用!

39. cheers! to our friendship/the asian games/your success!为我们的友谊/亚运会/你的成功干杯!

40. check, please.劳驾,结账。

v. shopping 购物

41. may i help you?你要买什么?

42. i would like a tang-style suit.我想买一件唐装。

no, thank you. i’m just looking.)(不用,谢谢。我只是随便看看。)

43. what color/size/style do you want? 你要什么颜色/尺寸/款式的?

44. may i try it on? 我能试试吗?

45. the fitting room/cashier is over there.试衣间/收银台在那儿。

46. it fits you very well. 这件很适合您。

47. all right. i’ll take it.好吧。我买这件了。

48. any discount?有打折吗?

20%(twenty percent) off. 打八折。

49. do you take credit cards(tr**eler’s cheques)? 你们这可以用信用卡(旅行支票)吗?

50. here’s your change. 这是找您的钱。

51. thank you for coming!谢谢光临!

vi. weather and time 天气和时间

52. what’s the date today/tomorrow? 今天/明天几号?

53. what will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?

54. it will be hot. /it won’t be hot. 天气会很热。/ 天气不会很热。

55. it’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

(it’s windy/rainy.)(在刮风/下雨。)

56. when and where shall we meet?我们什么时候见面?在哪儿见呢?

57. 8:30(eight thirty) tomorrow morning. 明早八点半。

58. are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

59. what time is it? 几点了?

60. sorry to h**e kept you waiting.抱歉让你久等了。

61. the event starts at ten o’clock.比赛十点开始。

vii. sports 体育运动

62. what sport do you play? 你喜欢哪种体育运动?

63. i play football/table tennis/badminton/… 我喜欢踢足球/打乒乓球/羽毛球……

64. do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗?

yes, very much. 是的,很喜欢。

not really. 不太喜欢。

i like watching it. 我喜欢看(游泳比赛)。

65. who’s playing? 参加比赛的是哪个队?

66. who are you cheering for? 你支持哪个对?

67. who do you think will win?你觉得哪个队会赢?

68. go! go! /come on! 加油!/加油!

69. great!好!

nice shot!好球!

70. what is the score?现在比分多少/几比几了?

what was his /her place?他/她排名第几了?

71. we won! 我们赢了!

we won the goldl/silver/bronze medal! 我们得金/银/铜牌了!

72. congratulation! 祝贺你!

73. that was a great/boring event!这场比赛太棒了/真没劲!

what a great event! 比赛太精彩了!

viii. seeing a doctor 就医

74. what’s the metter? 你怎么了?你**不舒服?

75. i am sick.我病了。

76. i feel nauseous/dizzy.我觉得反胃/头昏。

77. where does it hurt? (it hurts here.)**疼?(这里疼。)

my ear/hand/leg hurts.我的耳朵/手/腿疼。

78. i’vegot a cold.我感冒了。

i h**e a fever/toothache/stomachache. 我发烧了/牙疼/胃疼。

i h**e diarrhea.我垃肚子。

79. how long h**e you been like this? 像这样有多久了?

80. it’s (not) serious.(不)严重。

81. are you allergic to penicillin? 你对青霉素过敏吗?

82. take this medicine three times a day. 一天服三次。

83. drink more water. get some rest.多喝水。多休息。

84. you’ll be better soon. 你会很快好起来。

ix. sightseeing in guangzhou 游览广州

85. it's a nice day.天气真好。

86. what can i see in guangzhou?广州有什么景点?

87. the museum of the western han dynasty mausoleum

of the nanyue king is worth visiting. 西汉南越王博物馆值得看看。

88. you can take a night cruise on the pearl river. 你可以乘船夜游珠江。

89. how much is the entrance fee? 门票是多少?

90. how many tickets do you want? 你需要几张票?

91. enjoy your time!玩得开心!

92. beautiful!/great! 太美了!太棒了!

93. would you take a picture of me ?你能帮我照张相吗?

may i take a picture of you ?)我可以给你照张相吗?)

may i take a picture here?)(我可以在这里照相吗?)

94. please mind your belongings.请看管好随身物品。

please mind your head.小心碰头。

please mind your step.小心地滑。/小心台阶。/当心脚下。

x. saying goodbye 告别

95. hope to see you again.希望能在次见到你。

96. h**e a good trip! 旅途愉快!/一路顺风!

97. keep in touch!保持联系!

98. call me or e-mail me. 给我打**或发电子邮件。

99. take care.多保重。

100. come to guangzhou again! 希望你再来广州!


greetings 问候。1.good morning18.it is on tiyu xilu.早上好在体育西路。2.nice to meet youon the fifth floor 很高兴认识您 你五楼 3.my name is i amon your left right 我的名字叫 我是...


1 hello,may i help you?how can i help you?你好,我能为您效劳吗?我能为您做些什么?2 what s wrong with you?你哪儿不舒服?3when did the trouble start?什么时候开始不舒服的?4how long ago was ...


三 transportation交通。21 which bus goes to beijing lu?哪路车去北京路?which subway line 几号地铁线 bus 544 line 1 goes there.544路公车 一号线去那儿。22 which bus line should i ...