
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:49 阅读 1743


as the national day came, i h**e a vacation, so i madethe plan to go out and tr**el to the different places. lastyear, i went to the big cities, like shanghai, there wereso many people, i could hardly see the tourist site. sothis year, i decided to go to the small place, wu zhou.

butthe result is almost the same, so many people were aroundeverywhere.

when i arrived at wu zhou, i was attracted by itsbeautiful scenery, though the city is small, the water andthe mountain are around the city, which makes the citybeautiful and casual. the city is famous for the food,especially the restaurant which below the baiyun thought it maybe a little more people, so i woke up earlyin the morning for **oiding the summit time. i came to therestaurant at about 7 o'clock, there were a lot of peoplestanding in the long line.

it needs to take about two hourfor me to get a table!

now i h**e learned a lesson, it is better not to take atrip in the festival, i need to miss the time if i want totr**el in a fortable way.






国庆节的作文 国庆出游

国庆节的作文 国庆出游。国庆了,爸爸妈妈开始计划带我出去增长见识。10月1日爸爸值班,我在家里和妈妈玩,2日一大早,爸爸的两个朋友带着两家人到了椒江,然后我们一起去绍兴玩。坐着爸爸开的车子,我们一行8人出发了,一路上我都很兴奋。爸爸告诉我绍兴是历史文化名城,是鲁迅先生和 总理的故乡,这里还产生了很多...


十月一日,国庆节来啦!学校放假七天,我和妹妹可开心了,爸爸的公司也放假了。早在放假的前几天,爸爸跟妈妈就商量着去 游玩一下,后来妈妈说 去广西阳朔吧!桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林!怕假期人太多,路上堵车,爸爸说我们要晚上出发,然后到服务区可以休息睡觉。所以,九月三十号晚上,妈妈就帮我们把所有的东西...

