
发布 2023-08-18 09:00:10 阅读 9271

《吵闹的邻居》讲述的的是:吝啬鬼mr flinch 十分讨厌邻居发出的声响,为此,他用了许多诡计,但都没有成功。最后,因此倾家荡产,但还是没有摆脱他的邻居。


" noisy neighbours " tells the story of the miser is: mr flinch very hate neighbors sound, therefore, he used many tricks, but without success. finally, therefore dissipate one's fortune, but still did not cast off his neighbor.

reading this book, i understand a truth: we should not always complain about life and love, as long as you really love life, it will also give you the best return.


pippi princess holiday " is the story of the original proud pippi princess in a trip to the seaside, ****** a good friend paisy, help her to get rid of the shortcomings. this book gives me inspiration is: a good friend, can make you lifelong benefit, because he can influence character by environment impact on you, change your bad habits, the achievements of your life.



" oh, otto tells " is: in the beginning of the school, often joke alien boy otto in a treasure hunt in performance, thereby get affirmation, reading this book, i know: we should be br**e enough to think the courage to struggle, regardless of your qualifications excellent.

this often gives us a more wonderful life.

2019 典范英语读后感 实用

典范英语读后感 读 刺猬女孩 艾可儿 有感 学习成绩固然重要,但是拥有健康向上的品行以及各种生存技能同样重要,只有全面发展,你才是一个真正的好学生 这句话给我们道出了学习好有时并不重要,其实最重要的是一个良好的心态,健康的品行,不受外界影响,全面的发展才是真正的好学生。很久很久以前,会魔法的于小鱼老...

6 1读后感

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读 流浪狗东东 有感。安福县洲湖中心小学五 6 班肖文静。指导教师 刘双水。星期六这天,我怀着无聊的心情无意间翻到了小学生之友中的一篇文章 流浪狗东东 看完之后,我感触很深。这篇文章的主角是鲁飞和那只叫东东的流浪狗。鲁飞是个内向的,学习不好的孩子。也就是因为这样,父亲经常打骂他。鲁飞也想上学不迟到,...