七年级英语期末复习人教版 朗文知识精讲

发布 2023-04-24 05:36:28 阅读 8793


一。 本周教学内容:

期末复习。1. 语音。


2. 词汇。


3. 句型。


4. 语法。

涉及到时间的表达法,there be句型,一般现在时,固定的短语搭配,介词的用法。

5. 课外阅读。


模拟试题】一。 找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与众不同的选项10%

)1. a. rulerb. dutyc. student d. computer

( )2. a. childb. schoolc. muchd. lunch

)3. a. pleaseb. seatc. sweater d. teacher

)4. a. bigb. girlc. greyd. orange

)5. a. youngb. housec. aboutd. blouse

( )6. a. applesb. clocksc. desksd. maps

)7. a. schoolb. bookc. goodd. look

)8. a. cupb. busc. number d. put

)9. a. whob. whatc. whered. when

( )10. a. thinkb. thirtyc. withd. three

二。 写出下列各词的反义词10%

1. light2. small

3. empty4. here

5. this6. new

7. those8. come

9. black10. different

三。 根据英语释义完成下列单词,首字母已给出5%

1. p (father and mother)

2. y (not old)

3. u (one’s father’s or mother’s brother)

4. s (not big)

5. n (twelve o’clock in the day)

四。 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空10%

1. there are three (child)under the tree .

2. how many (woman)teachers are there in your school ?

3. lin tao , you must look after (you).

4. this is our classroomthey)is over there .

5. we must thank (he).

6. i don’t know (she)name .

7. i h**e two (box).

8. i h**e a dogit)name is huanhuan .

9. kate can speak some (china).

10. (who)shirt is on the clothes line ?

五。 句型转换21%


1. it is a photo .(改为复数。

2. open the window , please .(改为否定句the window , please .

3. there is some rice in the bag .(改为否定句)

thererice in the bag .

4. the man in the car is my uncle .(对划线部分提问)

is the man in the car ?

5. the boy behind the door is mike .(对划线部分提问is mike ?

6. there is a football under the bed .(对划线部分提问) under the bed ?

7. they’re oranges .(改为单数。

8. can you see her bag ?(否定回答。

9. you can take off your shoes .(改为祈使句) off your shoes , please .

10. i’m ok .(对划线部分提问you ?


1. we are all herehere .

2. joy is my friend . joy is a friend

3. it’s six thirty now . it’s

4. are these cars red ? are these

5. it’s time for lunch . it’s time

6. what time is it ? what’splease ?

7. what’s your ageare you ?

8. h**e a seat , pleaseplease .

9. is your mother in ? is your mother

10. he is jackname jack .

六。 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词13%

1. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?what’s your

2. 你的小猫是白色的还是黑色的?is your cat

3. 天空中有多少风筝kites are there

4. 让我看一看。let me

5. 我早上六点钟起床,iat six o’clock in the morning .

6. 于媛找不到她的鞋子。在哪呢?

yu yuanher shoes . where

7. 你能看见别的什么东西吗can you see ?

8. 你必须打开门拿到球。you open the door and the ball .

9. 你能把它交给张老师吗?can youmiss zhang ?

七。 单项选择16%

( )1. —who’s girl in red coat ? it’s lily .

a. a ; an b. the ; an c. the ; the d. a ; a

( )2. the shoes are yours . can i ?

a. put on it b. put it on c. put them on d. put on them

)3. —your english is very good

a. yes , you are rightb. thank you

c. i’m sorryd. no , my english isn’t good

( )4. —hello ! is that zhao lei

a. yes , i’m zhao leib. no , i’m wang ping

c. yes , that’s zhao leid. no , this is wang ping

)5is this your pencil-box ?

a. hello b. ok c. sorry d. excuse me

( )6. what are those ? they are .

a. apple treeb. apple trees

c. apples treesd. apples tree

( )7. the blackboard . what can you on it ?

a. see ; look atb. look at ; look at

c. look at ; seed. look ; see

)8. are you lily or lucy

a. yes , i amb. no , i’m not .

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