真题核心词汇 简约版

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1.raise students’ awareness of sustainability 增加可持续性的意识;

development 可持续性发展。

环保的 joint efforts 共同努力

of great importance = be very important非常重要。


7..make up 组成,构成,弥补。

8..serve as担任(充当,起 ..的作用)

9..at a cost of花费,以……为代价 =at the expenses of


concerns about …使关注…

for need-based aid 有资格获得助学金。

performance 学习成绩

14 to excel in music 擅长**

excellent a. 极好的,卓越的; excellence n. 优秀,长处。

15 submit oneself to discipline遵守纪律;

submit to 服从; submit…to 将……呈交给

a novel financial aid program实施新的资助项目。

a check 兑现。

enhance images 提升形象。

up to the situation面对这种情况。

indifferent to 对…冷漠。

good results 产生好结果;

a long way =be effective/useful/benefit 有用。

senior to 次于/优于/年幼于/年长于;

24.live up to the high expectation达到很高的期望。

25.equivalent to university president 等同于大学校长。

26.under strict government supervision在**的严格监管下。

27. boost academic status 提升了…学术地位。

28.in a bid to为了,以便。

29.destructive competition破坏性竞争。

30.price out of the market漫天要价以至无人问津

31.be meant for为 ..而有, 打算给。

32. differ in在 ..方面不同,在 ..有差异

33it is well-established that 一致认为的是。

influence on对 ..有影响。

fascinated by被吸引,被迷住。

up close and personal with 接近。

to交付,把……投入;be committed to =be devoted to献身于,致力于。

派生词committed a. 坚定的,忠诚的;commitment n. 承诺,诺言。

38..on a regular basis定期地、经常地

39..for better or worse不论好坏; 不管怎样。

40..give priority to给 ..以优先权,优先考虑 ..


on依赖, 依靠。

to 未能,无法做…

pace with跟上,与 ..齐步前进。




part iii听力选项部分**现的核心词汇和词组。

11. get some small change 零钱 cash a check 兑现 12. promotion of a new product ** bargaining with a salesgirl 与女售货员讨价还价13.

enhancing images 提升形象15. he is highly ambitious ,a.雄心勃勃he can’t face up to the situation 面对 ; he knows his own limitations 缺陷,能力有限16.

she is known to h**e a terrific figure 好身材her gym exercise has yielded good results 产生;yield to=submit to18. be indifferent to 对…冷漠长对话9. he has signed up for a day course/coursebooks 报名参加;教材20.

learn data processing 数据处理;programming 编程22. what to bring for registration 登记,报名 register, v.24.

he thinks take-away is tasteless 外卖25. it is something inevitable ,a.不可避免的,必然的 it is frustrating sometimes 令人…受挫的短文26.

the mystery of life could not be resolved 谜;解决27. a number of active volcanoes 活火山30. she encourages them to ask questions when in doubt 有疑问she has them act out what they are to do at home.

(h**e sb do sth是指让某人做某事; act out:1.将…表演出来;(用行动)表示出来 2.

把……付诸行动 )

she asks them to repeat what they are supposed to do. 应该做某事、被期望做某事31. it lacks the stability of the printed world 稳定it facilitates interpersonal communications使…容易;减轻…的困难32.

attractive吸引人的 wages and benefit 福利33. many tedious无聊的 jobs continue to be done manually 手工的34. improve working condition 工作条件/环境35.

they are arbitrarily set by the administrators任意的,武断的;mend cameras修理相机。;image n. 图像,形象 vs.

imagine, 想像,v.; take pictures of sb.给某人照相;h**e a terrific figure身材好;keep fit 保持体型;work out 体育锻炼;pay off 得到好结果,如愿以偿。


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