
发布 2023-04-18 17:20:28 阅读 8347




) 1.你想问别人经常在晚上干什么,该怎样问:

a. what do you h**e in the eveningb. where are you?

c. what do you often do in the evening?

) 2.你想知道别人是否喜欢吃苹果,该怎样问:

a. do you like applesb. what would you like?

c. could i h**e some apples?

) 3. 如果你想了解今天是星期几,你该怎样问:

a. what time is itb. what day is it today?

c. what would you like?

) 4. 你想说某样东西好吃,通常怎样表达:

a. i like itb. it’s tasty.

c. let me h**e a try.

) 5. 如果你想知道别人的爸爸长得怎样,你可以问:

a. what’s your father likeb. what is your father?

c. do you like your father?


) 1. a. grapeb. facec. catd. table

) 2. a. oldb. coldc. oftend. rose

) 3. a. window b. flowc. flowerd. yellow

) 4. a. web. mec. shed. very

) 5. a. likeb. strictc. fishd. is


) 1. we h**e___art teacher. she’s __young..

a. a, a b. an, the c. an, \

) 2. what do you h**e __mondays?

a. onb. for c. to

) 3. is he stricthe is.

a. no b. yes c. yes

) 4. potatoes __my f**ourite food.

a. areb. is c. am

) 5. is he tallhe’s short.

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, he is.

) 6. what’s __f**ourite food?

a. you b. your c. you’re

) 7. there are___days in a week.

a. six b. seven c. eight

) 8. _your math teacher like?he’s very tall.

a. how’s b. what’s c. who’s

)9. i like don’t like music.

a. but b. and c. so

) 10. she __lunch at school.

a. has b. h**e c. h**ing


)1. what can she doa. she can sweep the floor.

)2. can he clean the bedroom? b. he likes watching tv.

)3. what does he likec. no, he can’t.

)4. what day is it tomorrow? d. it’s behind the door.

)5. where is the trash bin? e. it’s monday.


amy: hello, john.

john: hello, amy.

amy: what day is it today?

john: it’s tuesday.

amy: what classes do you h**e in the morning, john?

john: well, let me see. we h**e science, art and computer.

amy: what subject do you like, john?

john: i like art. how about you, amy?

amy: i like art, too.

john: oh, we like the same subject.

amy: how many art classes do you h**e in a week?

john: three. i hope we h**e more.(更多的)

) 1. does amy like art, too?

a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesn’t . c. she likes.

) 2. do amy and john like the same subject?

a. yes, they do. b. no, they don’t. c. maybe.(可能)

) 3. how many art classes does john h**e in a week?

a. twob. threec. four.

) 4. what classes does john h**e in the morning?

a. science and chinese. b. science, art and computer. c. all of them.

) 5. what day is it today?

a. mondayb. tuesdayc. friday.


i h**e a new flat. there is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. come and h**e a look at my bedroom.

there is an air conditioner over the desk. there is an end table and a closet near the bed. and there is a picture over the bed.

i h**e a trash bin behind the door. i empty the trash every day. look!

what’s under the desk? there is a chair. i love my bedroom.

i clean my bedroom on sundays.

) are two end tables in my bedroom.

)2. there are four rooms in my home.

)3. the chair is under the desk.

)4. the door is behind the trash bin.

)5. i clean my bedroom on weekends.


1. 你星期一午饭吃什么。


3. 你最爱吃的水果是什么。

4. 你会做什么。



1. your, who’s, teacher, art ?

2. h**e, you, do, what, mondays, on ?

3. like, don’t, juice, carrot, i .

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