五年级下英语暑假作业 快乐练习20上海牛津版

发布 2023-04-18 16:22:28 阅读 6430




二.将单划线部分读音不同的单词的序号填在括号里 (3分×5=15)

d )1 a. bake b. fate c. made d. plan

c )2 a. help b. desk c. meet d. pencil

b )3 a. kite b. mill c. bike d. site

a )4 a. cock b. hope c. note d. tope

c )5 a. blue b. glue c. must d. ruler


c )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:

a. good bye, mum and dad.

b. good evening, mum and dad.

c. good night, mum and dad.

c )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:

a. what’s this? b. what’s it? c. can you spell it?

a )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

a. clean the classroom, please.

b. clean the chair, please.

c. come and clean it, please.

b )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:

a. h**e a seat. b. how are you? c. how nice!

a )5.想证实这是否是对方的猫,你问:

a. is this your cat? b. what’s this? c. is that a cat?

四.review grammar (3分×5=15)

一般过去时态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状态连用, 如yesterday, last sunday 等。


1. he lived (live) in wuxi two years ago.

2. we had (h**e) a party last halloween.

3. nancy went (go) to the farm yesterday.

4. they played (play) chess in the classroom last pe lesson.

5. my mother cooked (cook) a nice food last spring festival.

五.reading comprehension(阅读理解)(3分×5=15)


zip: what’s your f**ourite food, zoom?

zoom: i like beef, but i’m he**y now. i h**e to eat vegetables.

what about you, zip?

zip: i like chicken. it’s tasty. do you like fruits, zoom.

zoom: carrot juice is my f**ourite. it’s fresh and healthy.

zip: i like fruits. but i don’t like strawberries. they’re sour.

1、beef is zoom’s f**ourite food.( t )

2、zoom can eat a lot of meat.( t )

3、zoom likes carrot juice because it’s fresh and healthy.( t )

4、zip likes strawberries because they’re sour.( f )

5、zip’s f**ourite food is chicken.( t )


alfy lemonade stand


flash: njb5-20. swf

b ) why did alfy sell lemonade with his sister?

a. they wanted to play games.

b. they wanted to make money to buy new game.

c. they wanted to help others.

五年级下英语暑假作业 快乐练习19上海牛津版

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