五年级英语期末试卷 gai

发布 2023-04-18 05:23:28 阅读 2154




第一部分听力 (40分)

一. 听录音,选出所听到的内容,将序号填入括号内。

) 1. a. apk b. ibk c. ipk

) 2. a. lmx b. lnx c. noz

) 3. a. cd b. bc c. dq

) 4. a. he b. she c. it

) 5. a. cardigan b. clock c. curtains

) 6. a. behind b. under c. on

) 7. a. like b. bike c. best

) 8. a. fifty b. fifteen c. five

) 9. a. 10 chairs b. 20 chairs c. 15chairs

) 10. a. socks b. box c. fox

二. 听录音,给下面**编序号。

三. 听录音,选择你所听到的答句。

1a. it’s half past three.

2b. no, i can’t.

3c. there are 18.

4d. they’re 25 yuan.

5e. yes, there is.


( )susan lives in___

a. beijing. b. london. c. wuhan.

( )susan is in year __

a. 4b. 6 c. 3

)susan likes __very much.

a. ice cream b. apples c. bananas

)there are __children in susan’s class.

a. 15 b. 30 c. 20

)mrs. gao is susan’steacher.

a. chinese b. english c. music


一. 看图,选择单词,并抄写在四线格中。

a. chair a. chocolate a. clock a. tie a. book

b. curtains b. ice-cream b. frog b. t-shirt b. socks

a. six a. sweater a. play a. twelve a. t-shirt

b. sixty b. skirt b. swim b. ten b. shoes

二.read and choose the words.(找出不同类的词。)(10’)

1、( a、pencil b、door c、book d、schoolbag

2、( a、yellow b、green c、fish d、brown

3、( a、milk b、red c、tea d、juice

4、( a、rabbit b、mouse c、cat d、ruler

5、( a、monday b、nineteen c、sixty d、eight


) 1. i h**e dinner __twelve o’clock.

a. at b. on

) 2. he eats two bananas __dinner.

a. for b. to

) 3can you swim?

a. can b. can’t

) 4. there __two books under the desk.

a. is b. are

)5. how __is the pen?

a. much b. many

四、 给下面句子排列顺序,组成完整的对话。

)thank you. bye-bye.

)good morning.

)two bananas and an ice-cream, please.

)here you are.

)75 p.


)good morning.

五.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,用 “√或“×”表示。(10’)

hello, i’m su yang. look, this is my house. there are two bedrooms.

a bathroom. ,a study, a kitchen and a large sitting room. beside the house, there’s a garden.

in the garden, there are a lot of red flowers. my parents like red flowers. you can see four big trees behind the house.

a swing is between the two apple trees. my sister, su hai, and i like playing on the swing.

) are six rooms in my house.

) is a garden beside my house.

) brother likes red flowers.

) sister and i like playing the piano.

) is a swing behind my house .

六.draw and write. (10’)


2. 不少于五句话。


听力部分。一. 听录音,选出所听到的内容,将序号填入括号内。

1. apk

2. lnx

3. dq4. he

5. cardigan

6. under

7. bike

8. fifteen

9. 15chairs

10. socks

keys:a b c a a b b b c a

二. 听录音,给下面**编序号。

number 1,desk.

number 2, tie

number 3,floor.

number 4, window

number 5, cardigan

keys: 4 1 5 2 3

三. 听录音,选择你所听到的答句。

1. how much are the pens? they’re 25 yuan.

2. what’s the time? it’s half past three.

3. can you swim? no, i can’t.

there a mouse on the desk? yes, there is.

many boys are there? there are 18.


susan is a chinese girl. she lives in wuhan. she is in year 4 this year.

there are 30 children in suan’s class, 15 boys and 15girls. mrs gao is susan’s english teacher. she is nice.


2014 2015学年度第一学期期末考试。亲爱的同学们,通过一个学期的学习,你又学到了很多英语知识吧,认真做,相信你一定能出色地完成这份试卷,为自己加油吧!听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。读两遍,共5分 1.a.findb.fingerc.farmer 2.a.helpb.hard...


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