
发布 2023-03-23 18:22:28 阅读 5280


一, 根据中文,圈出正确的单词。(20分)

1. 品尝香蕉。 (taste feel ) the ( banana pear ).

2. 感觉梨子。 (smell feel ) the ( pear peach ).

3. 品尝桃子。 (taste feel ) the ( peach orange ).

4. 闻闻苹果。 (taste smell ) the ( melon apple ).

二, 选择题,将序号写在括号里(30分)

)1,igot a brother .

a, h**e b, has

( )2,raise your hand .

a, 举起你的手。 b, 挥挥你的手。

)3,how many

a, five b, four

)4,good morning

a, thank you . b, good morning .

)5,how are you

a, i’m fine, thank you . b, i’m five years old .

)6,how old are you

a, i’m fineb, i’m five .

)7,what do you like to eat ?

a, i like to eat cakes. b, i’m may.


a, hello,i’m may . b, hello , may .


a, hello,i’m may . b, hello , may .


a, this is a appleb , this is an apple.


a, this is a big apple . b , this is an big apple.


a, you h**e got a mooncake. b, you has got a mooncake.


a, this is a pearb, that’s a pear .


a, stand up , please . b, sit down , please .


a, open your bookb, close you book.

)16,请借给我一把尺子。x k b 1 . c o m

a, give me a rubber , please. b, give me a ruler , please.

)17,w**e your hand .

a, 举起你的手。 b, 挥挥你的手。

)18,this is my hand . x k b 1 . c o m

a, 这是我的手。 b,那是我的手。

)19,look at your hands.

a,看看你的手。 b, 洗洗你的手。

)20,wash your hands.

a, 看看你的手。 b, 洗洗你的手。

)21,eat a cake .

a,吃块蛋糕吧。 b,吃块月饼吧。

)22,touch your arms .

a, 摸**的胳膊。 b, 摸**的脚趾。

) 23are you? i am six years old.

a. how b. what c. how old

) 24. iread a little book.

a. can b. is c. am

)25. thistom.

a. am b. is c. are

) 26. show mebook.

a. your b. you c. he

) 27. –hello, may.

a. hello. b. this is tim. c. i am tim.

) 28. what can you do? i cama little tree.

a. write b. draw c. read

( )29. smellmelon.

a. the b. ac. an

)30the peach. it’s sweet(甜).

a. feel b. touch c. taste


)1,smell the melona, 给你和我。

)2,for you and meb, 我五岁。

)3,i’m five years oldc, 这是一个苹果。

)4,this is an appled, 那是一个梨。

)5,that’s a peare, 闻闻这个瓜。

)6,how are youf, 摸摸这个苹果。

)7,how old are youg, 你几岁?

)8,feel the appleh, 打开你的书。

)9,w**e your handi, 你好吗?

)10,open your bookj, 挥挥你的手。

五、 根据下列情景,判断句子,正确的打“√”错误的打“x”。10

1. 你想让同学递一块橡皮给你,可以说:show me your rubber.(

2. 你的手很脏,你妈妈可以对你说:wash your hands

3. 你想让你的同学闻一下你的柠檬,你可以说:smell the melon. (

4. 老师想让同学们把书放下,可以说:put your books down

5. 你的肚子很饿,你的妈妈可以对你说:eat a cake


1. a. touch your nose.

b. touch your mouth.

2. a. i like to eat bananas.

b. i like to eat apples.

3. a. how many le**es? three.

b. how many le**es? two.

4. a. i can read a book.

b. i can dance.

5. a. –goodbye, may. –goodbye, tim.

b. this is tim.

附加题: )1、a cat may look at a king.。

a:人人平等 b:老鼠和猫

)2、look before you leap.

a.连蹦带跳 b. 三思而后行。


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