
发布 2023-03-23 16:03:28 阅读 5618

提示: 有5個葡萄。

there are five grapes .

提示: 有3個西瓜。

there are

提示: 有11個香蕉。

there are

提示: 有5個雪梨。

there are

提示: 有12個芒果。

there are

提示: 有6個蘋果。

there are

提示: 有7個鳳梨。

there are

提示: 有1個哈密瓜。

there is m

提示: 有4個菠蘿。

there are

提示: 有18個車厘子。

there are

complete the following sentences.

1. i like the綠色的三角形)

like the紅色的心形)

like the黃色的圓形)

like the橙色的星形)

like the藍色的正方形)

like the紫色的橢圓形)

fill in the blanks with this is or that is .

提示: mary 旁邊有一只小鳥,她遠遠的對面有一中兔子。

this is a bird. that is a rabbit.

提示: mary旁邊有一個瓶子,她遠遠的對面有張椅子。

a bottlea chair.

提示: mary 遠遠的對面有一個窗戶,她旁邊有一個門。

a windowa door.

提示: mary 遠遠的對面有一個球,她拿著一個雪糕。

a ballan ice cream.

fill in the blanks with this \that \ these \ those .

提示: tom 旁邊有兩只貓。

i likecats.

提示: mary 旁邊有一只兔子。

i like

提示: tom 遠遠的對面有兩只兔子。

i like

提示: king 遠遠的對面有一只馬。

i提示: kim 旁邊有三只倉鼠。

complete the sentences.

there are11個蘋果) in the basket.

there are1個柳丁) in the basket.

there are12朵花) in the basket.

there are14個柳丁) in the basket.

fill in the blanks with the following pronouns.

1. i h**e a teddy bear. this isteddy bear.

h**e two booksbooks are small.

am billyfriend is tom.

like miss chau. she is __english teacher.

isnamename is ken.

h**e a pencil casepencil case is blue and yellow.

like to go to your home and play withtoys.

hat is big andhat is small.

1. we are in class isclassroom.

h**e two toy carstoy cars are big.

w**ehands and say goodbye.

are happy becauseteacher are happy.

and i are good friends. .we sharetoys.

and tom are brothers. these areschool bags.

1. mr neil is my english teacher. this iscar.

yan is my class teacher. this is __book.

is my classmatepencils are green.

is our monitorruler is long.

5. a girl is playing withdog.

is a boy and he is playing withtoy gun.

is my sister. she is doinghomework.

h**e a brother. can you seewater bottle?

fill in the blanks with the suitable question words.

1is your name ?

my name is mary.

2are you, mary?\

i am fine, thank you.

3are you ?

i am seven years old.

4is your class teacher?

miss lee is my class teacher,5is your english teacher ?

mr wong is my english teacher.

6is mr wong ?

he is in the playground.

7is your good friend ?

tom is my good friend.

8is your friend's name ?

his name is john.

fill in each blank with is , am or are.


___six years old.

boys and the girlshappy.



motherin the kitchen.

and marygood girls.


姓名成績 一 擴句。1.白雲上面有一只小鳥。快樂的 我穿著花裙旋轉。六月,開心地 窗外有草地小花。綠綠的,美麗的 4.我打開窗戶,窗外是樓房。一扇,高高的 閱讀理解。我的玩具中有只小兔,它非常可愛,它身高38釐米。我不高興的時候它陪著我,我高興的時候整天對它哈哈大笑。小兔當過我的病人,我給它打針的時...


单词 hello,boat,coat,name,gate,cake,lake 句子 1.打招呼 hello.你好。2.询问名字 what s your name?3.介绍自己 my name is tom.口令 1.请起来 stand up,please.2.请坐下 sit down,please....


2013 2014学年一年级上册英语期末复习 开元实验学校姓名 班级 单词 1.morning 2.afternoon 5.ruler 6.pencil 7.rubber 早上下午请书尺铅笔橡皮。8.sunday 9.eye 10.mouth 11.face 12.nose 13.ea...