五年级英语竞赛练习题 1

发布 2023-03-20 04:42:28 阅读 1822

i. 按要求填写






1. _be) you a doctor? 2. how many __bird) can you see?

3he) book is on the desk. 4. we wantgo) to the park.

5. i am sending grandmaan) e-card.

iii. 单项选择

)1. i play __piano everyday..

a. ab. an c. the d. one

)2. let’scartoon.

a. watching b. watches c. watch d. watchs

)3is your father? -he’s a driver.

a. whose b. what c. who's d. there

)4. look! the kangaroos

a. is jumping b. jumps c. jump d. are jumping

) 5. are theremonkeys in the zoo?

a. some b. any c. a d. is

) 6. john likesmountains.

a. climb b. climbs c. climbing d. to climbing

) 7. this is __panda. that’s __elephant.

a. an ;a b. a ;an c. the ;an ;the

) 8. grandpa, there __a call___you.

a. are ; to b. are ; for c. is ; for d. is ; to

) 9. mike canthe bed and wash the clothes.

a. make b. makes c. makeing d. ******

) 10is the first day of a week.

a. saturday b. sunday c. monday d. january

iv. 根据对话内容,写单词,补全对话(首字母已给出)。

a: what's the dtoday? b: it's june 1st.

a: oh, it's cday.

b: l et’s dpictures together this afternoon.

a: that's a gidea.

b: ok. see you la: see you.

v. 情景会话。

) 1. 新年到了,早晨你遇到了英语老师,你要说:

a. happy birthdayb. good afternoon.

c. happy new yeard. h**e a good time.

) 2.当你打**告诉对方你是谁时,应该说:

a. that is sarahb. i’m sarah.

c. this is sarah speaking. d. sarah.

) 3.当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说:

a. happy birthdayb. thank you!

c. the same to youd. happy new year!

) 4.你想问别人想要什么东西时,应该说:

a. what would you like? b. what do you do?

c. that’s okd. who’s he?

) 5. 当别人夸你英语说得好时,你应该说:

a. no, no, nob. sorry.

c. not goodd. thank you!

vi. 按要求写句子

1. she is answering the phone.(划线提问)

2. i see some ducks in the river. (一般疑问句)

3. the bird flies. (改为现在进行时)

4. what’s the weather like today? (同义句)

5. likes get everyone cards to birthday (.连词成句)

短文理解 (共10小题,计10分)


i'm a student in class four, grade five. my name is mary. i'm eleven.

my twin brother's name is wang hao. and we are in the same school, and in the same grade, too. but he is in class three.

we are good students. i h**e a good friend. i call her miss ying ying.

do you think ying ying is a good girl? no, you're wrong. she isn't a girl, but a cat.

she is two years old. she looks the same as her mother.

)1. my twin __name is___

a. brother's; wan hao b. sister's; wang hao

c. brother's; wang hao

( )are in the same___and in the same___

a. school; grade b. school; class c. grade; class

( )3. my good friend miss ying ying is a___

a. girlb. catc. dog

( )4. i am __years old.

a. nineb. elevenc. seven

( )5. miss ying ying is __her mother.

a. not the same as b. not like c. the same as

b) 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(t)误(f)。

my name is amy. i live in beijing. now i am sitting at the window.

i often sit here. i can look at the street. in beijing the buses are blue.

a bus is coming now. there is a bus stop in front of our house. a lot of people are waiting for the bus.

look,an old woman is coming. she often misses the bus,because she never runs. today she is lucky.

the bus driver is waiting for her.

1. i often sit at my window

2. there is a bus stop behind our house

3. many people are waiting for the bus

4. the old woman often misses the bus because she doesn’t run.(

5. the word “lucky” means “准时的智力测试 (共5小题,计5分)


一根据所给单词或汉语的正确形式完成句子。1 what do you do yesterday?2 i 伤了 my tail and 折断了 my shoe.3 i h e a great time with you in beijing.4 here is a 礼物 for you.we buy i...

五年级下册练习题 1

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