
发布 2023-03-15 20:58:28 阅读 3664

1你的新朋友peter 给你写了一封电子邮件,他想了解一下你的情况,请你给他回复一封邮件,邮件内容包括:你在学校有哪些课程,你最喜欢的科目是什么,你最喜欢的食物是什么,你周末通常做什么等。要求字迹清晰,条理清楚,意思连贯,不少于五句话。

dear peter:

i h**e chinese, math, english and music every day. my f**orite class is english. hamburgers are my f**orite food.

i often do my homework at home on the weekend, sometimes, i play football and watch tv.

2 以“my day”为题写一篇英语小短文,简单介绍一下你一天的课程,喜欢哪门课,为什么喜欢这门课。不少于五句话。

my day

i h**e chinese, maths and english everyday. my f**ourite class is chinese. my chinese teacher is funny and kind.

i often watch tv at home everyday.

3 请你以“my…teacher”为题,写一写自己熟悉的一位老师,是严厉、和蔼还是幽默?可适当发挥,不少于五句话。

my english teacher

my english teacher is miss li. she is tall and she has long hair. she is very kind, but strict sometimes.

i like my english teacher.

4 假如tom是你的好朋友,请你根据下面提示,用英语写几句话介绍一下tom。

提示:1 来自美国;

2 个子高,很友好;

3 最喜欢的食物是汉堡包;

4 平时喜欢踢足球和游泳。

范文一:tom is my friend. he is from usa.

he is tall and friendly. his f**ourite food is hamburger. he often plays football and swims.

范文二:i h**e a good friend, his name is tom. he is from usa.

he is tall and friendly. his f**ourite food is hamburger. he often plays football and swims.

5 请根据**中的提示写一篇英语短文,简单描述一下自己。

范文一:i am john, i am ten years old. i am tall, and i h**e big eyes and short hair.

i often play football and read books. my f**ourite food is hamburger.

范文二:my name is john. i am tall.

i h**e big eyes and short hair. i often play football and read books. my f**ourite food is hamburger.

6 请根据**信息用there is …和there are …句型,简单。


there is a park. there is a hill in front of the park. there is a lake beside the hill.

there are some boats on the lake. there is a bridge over the lake. there are some trees and flowers in the park.


my name is delwyn, i’m 12 years old. my f**orite class is music, i like sing english songs. icecream is my f**orite food, it is sweet.

i often play sports on the weekend, sometimes, i play ping-pong with my father.

8请以“my room” 为题目,写一篇英语小短文简单描述一下自己房间内的东西。

my room

i h**e a small and clean room. there is a bed in my room. there are two lights above my bed.

there are many dolls on my bed. there is a desk in my room, and a computer is on the desk. there is a plant near the window.


what do you h**e on mondays?

what’s your f**ourite food?

what do you often do on the wekend?

dear d**id:

i’m fine. i h**e chinese, math and english on mondays. my f**orite food is icecream.

i often do my homework, wash my clothes and clean my room on the weekend, sometimes, i play football with my friends in the park.

10这学期你们班来了一位新数学老师mr. zhang, 这位老师和蔼,风趣,有时也很严厉,大家都喜欢上他的课。请用英语写几句话描述一下这位老师。

my new maths teacher is mr. zhang. he is kind and funny, but sometimes, he is strict.

he is tall and thin, he has glasses. we all like his class very much, he is helpful.

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