人教版七年级下册英语单元必背句子与词组 Unit

发布 2023-03-09 12:53:28 阅读 5554

1. –今天北京的天气怎么样?--s the weather in beijing today? (无like用how)

-是晴天。--it’s sunny. (其他天气:windy, cloudy, sunny=fine=nice)

同义句:--s the weather today? (有like用what)

- it’s sunny. (其他天气:warm, hot, cool, cold, dry, humid)

练:we don’t know __the weather will be tomorrow.

a. how b. what c. how’s d. what’s

2. -你最近过得怎么样?--how’s it going you?

-相当好:pretty good. 很棒:great. 还不错:not bad. 很糟糕:terrible.

3. (1) 在夏天天是多雨的。it in summer. (it后有be动词is, 后面用形容词rainy)

2) 在夏天天经常下雨。it often in summer. (it后无be动词is, 后面用动词rains)

3) 现在正在下雨:it now. (is和动词ing构成“现在进行时”)


练:(1) what do you do when ita. rain b. rainy c. raining d. is rainy

2) it’srain) he**ily in harbin now.

3) the radio says it will berain) tomorrow.

4) –how’s the weather on sunday

a. it’s rain b. it’s raining c. it’s rains d. it rainy

4. 谢谢你参加**电视台“环游世界”节目。

thank you for cctv’s around the world show.

]:thank you for sth

5. 有许多人正躺在沙滩上:there are many people on the beach.

there be sb sth

lie on the beach (lie加ing的规则:将ie变成y, 再加ing)

6. 一些正在拍照,另外的正躺在沙滩上。

] are taking photos, [are lying on the beach.

1) 一些…,另一些…(复数):some…, others…

2) 一个…,另一个…(单数):one…, the other…

7. 他们看起来很酷:they look cool. 他看起来很酷:he look cool.

8. **用语:(1) 你是谁? who’s that? 不能用:who are you?

2) 你是某某吗? is that…? 不能用:are you…?

3) 是某某在说话吗? is that … speaking? 回答用:yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.

4) 我是某某: this is…. 不能用:i’m ….

5) 是某某在说话:this is … speaking.

9. [finish do sth 完成某事:finish sth

如:he a book about science.

he at home every day.

10. [in order sth 跟在to后面的动词用。

11. 与look有关的词组:

1) 看着某人/某东西:look sb/sth2) 寻找某人/某东西:look sb/sth

3) 照顾某人/某东西:look sb/sth (4) 看起来像某人/某东西:look sb/sth

5) 小心:look

6) 朝…外面看:look 如:朝窗外看:look out of the windows

12. 与“人”有关的形容词+ed 如:relaxed, surprised, interested, excited

与“物”有关的形容词+ing 如:relaxing, surprising, interesting, exciting

练:(1) the teacher issurprise) at the news.

2) i’m h**ing a good time andrelax).

13. 烧饭(总称):cook meal 烧早饭(中饭,晚饭):cook breakfast/lunch/dinner

14. 在度假:vacation 度假:h**e a vacation

15. 拍**:(单数) take a photo (复数) take photos

16. 打沙滩排球:play volleyball

17. 在这种热度下:this heat

18. 围围巾:(单数) wear a scarf (复数) wear scarves

19. (天气)晴朗的:sunny = fine = nice

如:today is today is today is

20. 学习:study 三单:stud 以辅音字母+y结尾的,去y加ies)

海滩:beach 复数:beach 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的,加es)

人教版七年级下册英语单元必背句子与词组 Unit

1.今天北京的天气怎么样?s the weather in beijing today?无like用how 是晴天。it s sunny.其他天气 windy,cloudy,sunny fine nice 同义句 s the weather today?有like用what it s sunny.其...

人教版七年级下册英语单元必背句子与词组 Unit

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人教版七年级下册英语单元必背句子与词组 Unit

初中英语学习材料。madeofjingetieji 1.今天北京的天气怎么样?s the weather in beijing today?无like用how 是晴天。it s sunny.其他天气 windy,cloudy,sunny fine nice 同义句 s the weather tod...