七年级英语各单元必背词句 汪

发布 2023-03-09 12:46:28 阅读 4140

unit 1 单元必背词句。

一。 必背单词:

name clock (第一的)first – last (最后的) meet (遇见) nice (好的)

answer (回答) question (问题) look (看) boy – girl card (卡片)

telephone = phone (**) number (号码) family (家庭) zero (零)

二。 必背词组:

my name her name his name your name their names

名字 first name 姓氏 last name = family name 全名 full name

他的**号码 his telephone number身份证 an id card

三。 必背句型:

1. 你叫什么名字? what’s your name? =may i know your name?

my name is gina. =i’m gina.

2. 你的**号码是什么 ? what’s your telephone number?

my telephone number is 137

3. 她的名字是什么? what’s her first name? her first name is linda.

她的姓氏是什么? what’s his last / family name?

his last / family name is brown.

4. 我叫kitty, 你叫什么名? 我叫詹妮。

my name’s kitty. what about yours? mine is jenny.

5. 这是你的身份证吗? is this your id card ? yes, it is.

6. 3+8= ?等于11。 what’s three and eight ? it’s eleven.

12+9=? 等于21。 what’s twelve plus nine ? it’s twenty-one.

7. nice to meet younice to meet you, too.

unit 2 单元必背词句。

一。 必背单词:

this – that = the (这个,那个) eraser (橡皮擦) pencil case (铅笔盒) pencil sharpener (卷笔刀) dictionary – dictionaries (字典) baseball (棒球)

backpack (双肩包) watch – watches (手表) computer game (电脑游戏)

key – keys (钥匙) a set of keys (一串钥匙) notebook (笔记本)

ring (戒指) school (学校) excuse me (打扰了) thanks = thank you (谢谢)

lost and found (失物招领) please (请) whose (谁的) which (哪个)

二。 必背词组:

1. her eraser his sharpener my keys our dictionaries

2. 打…**找… call … at3. 寻找 look for

3. 在失物招领柜上 in the lost and found case

4.失物招领处 the lost and found office

三。 必背句型:

1. 这是谁的包? whose backpack is this? this is her backpack.

这包是谁的?= whose is this backpack ? this backpack is hers.

否定:this isn’t her backpackthis backpack isn’t hers.

一般问句: is this her backpackis this backpack hers?

yes, it isno, it isn’t.

2. 哪个是你的橡皮擦?which is your eraser ? the red one is my eraser .

哪个橡皮擦是你的?which eraser is yours ? the red one is mine .

3. 我找不到我的手表了。 i can’t find my watch.

3. 我正在寻找我的手表。 i’m looking for my watch.

4. 在失物招领柜上的那个笔记本是你的吗?

is that your notebook in the lost and found case?

5. 请打235-0285**找玛莉。 please call mary at 235-0285.

unit 3 单元必背词句。

一。 必背单词:

this – these (这些) that – those (那些) it, he, she – they (他们)

is – are family – families (家庭) father and mother = parents (父母)

grandfather or grandmother = grandparent (祖父母) grandma (奶奶)

grandpa (爷爷) brother (兄弟) sister (姐妹) aunt (阿姨) uncle (叔叔)

son (儿子) daughter (女儿) cousin (表姊妹兄弟) friend (朋友) dear (亲爱的)

picture = photo(**) here (这儿) thanks for…(为… 感谢)

二。 补充单词:

nephew (侄子) niece (侄女) grandson (孙子) granddaughter(孙女)

granny (老奶奶) mother-in-law (婆婆) father-in-law (公公)

sister-in-law (嫂子) brother-in-law (姐夫)

daughter-in-law (媳妇) son-in-law (女婿)

三。 必背词组:

1. tom的家谱 tom’s family tree

2. 我家的全家福** the photo of my family = my family photo

3. 为…感谢thanks for sth. thanks for doing sth

四。 必背句型:

1. this is my friendthat is her brother.

- these are my friendsthose are her brothers.

2. is she your sister? yes, she is. no, she isn’t.

-- are they your sisters? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.

3. here is my family photo.= here is a photo of my family.

4. thanks for the photo of your family.

thanks for asking me to dinner. 谢谢你邀请我吃晚餐。

5. there are five people in my family. 我家有5口人。

i h**e a family of five people我有一个5 口之家。

6. they are my grandparents, my parents and me.

7. i h**e a sister. she is 8 years old.

= i h**e an 8-year-old sister. 我有一个8岁的妹妹。

unit 4 单元必背词句。


where (在**) table(桌子) bed dresser (梳妆台) drawer(抽屉)

bookcase = shelf (书柜) sofa (沙发) chair(椅子) bag backpack(双肩背包)

plant (植物) desk (书桌) alarm clock (闹钟) math (数学) room (房间)

video tape(录像带) hat = cap(帽子) floor (地板) thing (东西) some (一些)

take (拿走)--bring (带来) need(需要) key (钥匙) on(在之上) in (在里面)


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