人教版英语七年级下册短语 句型及语法总结

发布 2023-03-09 02:05:28 阅读 7973

p =短语; s =句型; g =语法)

unit 1canyou play the guitar?

p1. play下象棋 (chess前不加the)

p2. play

弹吉它/敲鼓 (drum用复数) (乐器前加the)

p3sth / doing sth 擅长某事 / 做某事。

my brotherstories.


p4. (theclub,讲故事俱乐部 / 游泳俱乐部 / 象棋俱乐部。

p5. after school /work /class 放学后 /下班后 /下课后。

p6with sb) (和某人一块儿)做游戏。



p8with sb)


p9. call sb at (+**号码) 拨打…呼叫某人。

p10. need sb/sthsth 需要某人/某事做某事。

p11. on weekends / on weekend/ on the weekend 在周末。


s1. can you / he play the guitar? 你/他会弹吉它吗?

yes, i can. /no, i can’t. yes, he can. /no, he can’t.


i want to join



s3. i likei want to join an art club.


s4. let’s join now! 让我们现在就加入吧。

s5old people?


s6. sounds good / great. 听起来不错。

g1. help用法:

1. help sb with sth, 在某方面帮助某人。

let’s help him with his english.


2. help sb (to) do sth, 帮助某人做某事。

he often helps me clean the room.


g2. be good 四短语:

1. be good for sb/sth, 对某人/某物有好处。

doing sports is good for our health.


2. be good at (doing) sth, 擅长(做)某事。

she is good at music. 她擅长**。

i am good at telling stories. 我擅长讲故事。

3. be good with sb, 善于和某人相处。

he is good with old people. 他擅长与老人相处。

4. be good to sb, 对某人好。

i know mr. liu is good to me. 我知道刘老师对我好。

g3. 四个“说”:

1. talk, 不及物动词。 “谈论;交谈”

talk with sb, 和某人交谈(互相)

talk to sb, 找某人谈谈 (单向)

talk about sth, 谈论某事。


give a talk, 做一个报告 h**e a talk, 谈一谈。

2. speak, 不及物动词和及物动词。


he’ll speak in the meeting. 他将在会上发言。


he can’t speak now. 他现在不能说话了。


do you speak english? 你说英语吗?

3. tell, 及物动词。“讲;告诉”

tell sb sth, 双宾结构,“告诉某人某事”

i‘ll tell him the news. 我将告诉他这个消息。

tell (sb) a story, tell (sb) a joke, tell (sb) a lie,


tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事(让某人做某事)

he tells me to buy some meat. 他让我买一些肉。

tell sb about sth, 告诉某人有关某事。

can you tell us something about your family?


4. say, 及物动词。“说”,必须要有说的内容。

say it in english. 用英语说它。(it是内容)

what do you want to say? (what是内容)

i h**e nothing to say. (nothing是内容)

“i am happy,” says tom. (引号里面是内容)

say goodbye to your mum. (goodbye是内容)

g4. for与to接对象归纳:

be easy / difficult / hard / good / bad … for…

对……是容易的 /困难的 /好的 / 坏的。

volleyball is easy for me. 排球对我来说是容易的。

fruit is good for us. 水果对我们有好处。

be useful / friendly / kind / polite + to…

this book is useful to me. 这本书对我是有用的。

mary is kind to us. 玛丽对我们友好。

g5. 情态动词与副词位置:

情态动词should, can, may, must等,助动词will, shall

等,与副词always, hardly, never, also等连用时,副词。

要在后面。i shouldalways work hard. 我应该一直努力学习。

she can hardly speak. 她几乎不能说话。

he can also swim. 他也会游泳。

i will never forget him. 我将永远不会忘记他。

unit 2 what time do you go to school?

p1起床 p2. go to school 去上学。

p3. get __穿好衣服 p4. brush __刷牙。

p5从…到… p6night 在夜晚。

p7. after that在那之后 p8. be late for … 做…)迟到。

p9. go to work 去上班 p10. go to bed early 睡觉早。

p11hour 半小时 p12. play/do sports 做运动。

p13. eat __吃得快 p14. take/h**e a __散步。

p15. a lot of许多 p16. _the evening在晚上。

p17. after __吃过之后 p18. go/get home 回家。

p19. either…or…要么…要么… p20. clean my room打扫房间。

p21. get home from school 从学校返回家;放学回家。

p22. at a quarter to twelve 在十一点四十五分。

p23. attwo在下午二点半。

s1do you usually get up / go to school?


i usually get up / go to school at six thirty.


s2. when / what time __scott


he alwaysat eight o’clock.


s3. i’m neverwork. 我上班从未迟到过。

s4. i work / he works __a radio station.


s5. i don’t like我不喜欢起床早。

s6. it’s nother. but it


s7. then ih**e a shower. 然后我很快洗完澡。

s8. you needyour teeth after eating to h**e

good teeth. 你需要饭后刷牙来拥有好的牙齿。


人教版七年级上册英语知识点总结。starter unit1 一 短语归纳。1.good morning 早上好 2.good afternoon 下午好。3.good evening 晚上好 list 名单。5.an english name 一个英文名字。二 用法集萃。1.good morning...


starter unit1 短语归纳。1.good morning 早上好 2.good afternoon 下午好。3.good evening 晚上好 list 名单。5.an english name 一个英文名字。1.good morning afternoon evening,人名。问候某...


七年级上册短句型。starter units 1 3 1.good morning afternoon evening早上 下午 晚上好2.good night晚安。3.thank you thanks谢谢你4.in english用英语5.cd光盘,激光唱片6.bbc英国广播公司。7.nba 美国...