
发布 2023-03-08 23:53:28 阅读 2894


did you go on vacation?

2,did为助动词,无人称和数的变化,有实义动词时用在疑问句和否定句中, ,

i went to the summer camp 夏令营 go camping 去野营。

3 .did you go to central park? yes,i did ./didn’t .

center :中心,多指点平面的正中或中心点;也指政治,经济,文化等某方面占重要地位的中心或核心,但不可指狭长物的中心。

there is a fountain(喷泉) at the center of the park.

middle : 中间,中部,长形的中间;某段时间或某一过程的中间。

don’t stand in the middle of the road,middle 可用于空间或时间观念。 the middle of the room; the middle of the day

center 只用于空间 the center of town.

cultural center 文化中心 shopping center 购物中心。

4,how was the weather = what was the weather like? i was hot.(形容词)

5,friendly—unfriendly ;healthy—unhealthy; happy—unhappy;fair—unfair

6,what…think of…? 询问对某人或某物的看法。

what do you think of china?= how do you like china? 你认为中国怎么样?

think of 想起,认为 think about 思考,认为;think over 仔细考虑。

think up 想出,设计出 think out 设计出,发现,解决。

trip :乘公共汽车旅行。 trip,指短距离的旅行,不强调方式或目的。

journey :着重指“长距离的,陆上的旅行。


did you go to paris during your tr**els? 你旅行的时候去巴黎了吗?

tour 指“以游览,视察,购物等为目的的旅行。

section b 1a—2c

adj; 昂贵的,费钱的;--cheap

1)expensive and cheap,其主语不能是市**,必须是物品本身。

如:this car is expensive, but that one is cheap.

2) high或low在表示**时去,含义是高或低,这两个词不能用于物品本事,只能用在**上。 the price of this car is very high

9,crowded adj :拥挤的,可做定语或表语。the streets are very crowded.

a crowded bus :一辆拥挤的公共汽车。表示交通拥挤是用he**y traffic or busy traffic ,但不能用 “crowded traffic.”

3a—4 all day =all day long 或 the whole day

10 ,all day: 整天 all morning 整个早上 all afternoon ;

all day and all night 整天整夜注意:用表时间的单数名词。

all (1) all+复数名/单数名,不可数。 用于the ,基数词等限定词的前面。

2) 用作代词,“全部,全体”,指代人或物,常与of 连用。

all my books are kept here. all of them want to visit the museum.

whole (1) 整个的,全部的。一般修饰单数可数名词,与复数连用时,强调整体。

(2) 在句中用于“the”, 基数词等限定词的后面。

it snowed for the whole morning. the scientist spent his whole life on science

11,we had great fun playing in the water. 注意:h**e great fun doing sth

in the water:在水里,water 不可数 they’re watering the flowers . 动词。

shopping= do some shopping.

we often go shopping on sundays=we often do some shopping on sundays.

shops were too crowed ,so i didn’t really enjoy it .too的位置。

really;adv 真正地,确实。常坐状语,用在形容词或动词的前面。也可单独使用。

14,enjoy : 喜欢接动名词,名词,侧重,欣赏,享受。

i enjoy reading books very much. we enjoyed our time in new york

like : 喜欢,爱好,指对某事物发生兴趣,并积极参加。

they all like english and maths.

be fond of : 喜欢, 爱好,近乎于嗜好,快酷爱的程度。

15,find sth. 发现某人正在做某事 ,v+ing形式是find的宾补,表示动作正发生 i found a small boy crying in the corner.

find sb. do sth. 发现某人做了某事,强调发现动作的全过程省略“to”

i found her open the door.

find :找到,强调寻找的结果 i found miss zhao in the library.

look for : 寻找,强调寻找的动作 he is looking for his pen.

find out : 了解,查明,通过观察,探索而发现的真相,秘密,或找出原因。

h**e you found out why he was late?

the corner: 指在建筑物内部的角落里。

on the corner: “在,,,角上,强调事物本身组成了拐角。

the shop is on the street corner.

at the corner: 在。。。角边,强调在拐角的外面, 可与 on the corner 互换。

17,be lost 1,走失,迷路, =get lost 主语是人。

2,丢失的, =bi missing 主语是物失去后无法找到,或不再拥有。

there is a pen on the road. it must be a lost pen.

missing 丢失的,下落不明的,指某物不在原处,或无法找到。

oh,dear,the missing letter is in his pocket.

18,make sb. do sth. make 为使役动词, 指让某人做某事 he often makes us laugh.

相当于“ let sb. do sth. ,h**e sb. do sth.

make sb./sth.+adj, 是某人、某物怎么样。

we must make the little boy happy.

make sb./sth.+ n. 使、推选某人,某物成为。。。

they make wang lin the captain of their basketball team.

感到,+ 动名词做宾补 ,做系动词时+adj. 作表语。

i feel my heart beating fast. he feels angry today.


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