七年级英语试题 宋小瑾

发布 2023-03-08 18:09:28 阅读 2001




一、 词汇(10分)


1一月)is the first month of the year.

2、my生日)is february 10th.

3、these pants are 15美元).

4什么时候)is your mother’s birthday?

5、i like动作片)very much.


1. brad has a red s

2. fis the second month of a year.

3. jack chen is mike’s fmovie star. mike likes his movies best.

4. i like these shoes . but i can’t a___

5. we can buy school things in this s___


1、去看电影 6、h**e a look

2、京剧 7、at a very good price

美元8、september 10th

4、第一9、an intresting movie

5、我的裤子 10、school day


( )1、— is the shirt?

—50 dollars.

a、what b、where c、how much d、when

( )2、— is that sweater?

red.a、what b、what color c、how much d、how many

( )3、i can swim want to join the __club.

a music b chess c swimming d、musician

( )4、how much do you want?

a、coffee b、apples c、bananas d、pens

( )5、let’s the picture on the wall.

a、look at b、see c、look d、looks

( )6、they will h**e a class meeting july 2nd.

a、in b、at c、on d、for

( )7、i am readingstory. it is interesting story.

a、a; an b、a; a c、the; the d、/;an

( )8、do you want a movie?

a、go b、goes c、to goto d、going

( )9、what of movie do you like?

a、kind b、color c、reason d、film

( )10、i often go to a movie my good friends.

a、on b、and c、with d、in

( )11、i don’t like the film, i think it’s .

a、boring b、great c、interesting d、good

( )12、 is your birthday?

a、what b、when c、how much d、why

( )13、the movie is___i want to see it again.

a boring b funny c、sad d、scary

( )14、 apples are here.

a、this b、the c、that d、an

( )15、—would you like some tea?

—yes, .

a、we do b、i am c、please d、i like

( )16、it’s time to play .

a、the football b、games c、a balls d、a footballs

( )17、my father play basketball

a very well b、good c、very good d、well very

( )18、there an apple and two oranges on the table.

a、is b、are c、has d、h**e

()19、 do you need shoes___sports? we h**e lots of shoesvery good prices.

a. for, at b. for, with c. at, with

( )20、my f**ourite lessons chinese and english.

a、am b、is c、are d、be


1、i want to watch tv.(改为一般疑问句)

you___to watch tv?

2、he wants to go to a movie.(改为否定句)

he___to go to a movie.

3、the black shoes are 20 dollars.(对划线部分提问)

are the black shoes?

4、my pants are black.(同上)

are your pants?

5、what can i do for you?(同义句)


1、beijing opera isreal) fun.

2、i likecomedy) very much.

3、who can help (i )?

4、let’s (go) to a movie?

5、li lei usuallywatch) tv at home on weekends.

六。 完形填空。(10分)

i __1) li lei. this __2) a ruler. _3) is __4) ruler.

i spell __5), r-u-l-e-r. that is6) eraser. it’s __7).

i __8) spell it. _9) do you spell it, do you know10), i don’t know.

( )1. a. is b. am c. are d. do

( )2. a. is b. am c. are d. do

( )3. a. this b. that c. it d. one

( )4. a. your b. his c. her d. my

( )5. a. it b. one c. her d. me

( )6. a. your b. my c. an d. a

( )7. a. your b. my c. his d. her

( )8. a. do b. don’t c. isn’t d. am not

( )9. a. how b. what c. what’s d. how are

( )10. a. ok b. not c. thank you d. sorry


a: 1b: yes, please. i want to buy a sweater.

a: 2 . what about this one?

b: i don’t like black. do you h**e any other colors?

a: other colors? 3

b: can i h**e a look at the yellow one?

a:yes. please.

b: 4a: 50 yuan.

b: ok. 5 . here you are

a: thank you.

a. how much is it, please?

b. oh, yes, we h**e blue, yellow and white ones.’

color do you want?

d. i’ll take it.

e. can i help you?


brain is a school boy. he’s twelve. he lives in shanghai now.

he is from england. he studies in a middle school. he gets up at half past five every day.

he has breakfast at seven after that, he goes to school with his friends. they h**e four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. in the evening he does his homework at home, but he often watches tv on saturday evening.

brain likes drawing. he joins an art club. he likes reading story books.

now he is reading an english book in his room.

71.brain is a

a. student b. girl c. teacher

72.brain gets upevery day.

a. at seven b. early c. at six

73.brain does his homework

a. every evening b. at school c. at home

74.brain likes

a. english and chinese b. playing football c. drawing and reading

75.brain hasclasses at school every day.

a. four b. six c. five



my f**orite


本试卷分第 卷 选择题 和第 卷 非选择题 两部分,共120分。第 卷 选择题共80分 听力测试 20分 a 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。5分 b 听录音,从每题a b c三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。5分 c 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五...


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