
发布 2023-03-08 12:22:28 阅读 9111




听力部分。. 选出你在句子中所听到的内容。(共5小题,计5分)

) find b .feel c .finish d .f**orite

) walk b .rest c .meeting d .holiday

) spring b .summer c .autumn d .winter

) at work b .at home c .at breakfast d .at school

) fourteen b .thirteen c .twelve d .eleven

. 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。(共5小题,计5分)

)6. a .yes , i dob .yes , i am .

c .yes ,it isd .yes ,there is .

)7. a .it’s june 20thb .it’s 8:05.

c .today is sunday . d .we h**e no lessons today .

)8. a .good morningb .i’m afraid not .

c .how are youd. how do you do .

)9. a .i’m sorryb .goodbye .

c . see you laterd .yes , i’d like some apples .

) yes , pleaseb .you’re welcome .

c .hellod .i’m fine .

. 听对话及针对对话提出的问题,选择能回答该问题的最佳答案。(共5小题,计5分)

)11. a .yes , there areb .no , there aren’t .

c .i don’t knowd .there are four .

)12. a .it’s near the hospital . b .it’s next to the bookshop .

c .it’s near the parkd .it’s near the school .

)13. a .his uncleb .his aunt

c .her uncled .her aunt

)14. a .she likes itb .she loves it .

c .she doesn’t like it . d . she can’t stand it .

)15. a .lionsb .pandas

c .tigersd .elephants .

. 根据所听内容填写单词。(共5小题,计5分)

lin tao is a middle school 16 .he is twelve .he 17

short and black hair . he is very 18 and thin .he 19 playing

baseball .he is very 20 .

笔试部分。. 释义(共5小题,计5分)选出一个与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的答案。

) are lots of apples on the trees .

a .much b .many c .one d . any

) street is a good place to h**e fun .

a .h**e a good timeb .h**e to

c .has fund .has a good time .

) is form australia .

a .are fromb .come from

c .comes fromd .be from

) about your father ?

a .how manyb how much

c .whatd .what about

) do your parents do ?

a .fatherb . father or mother

c .motherd .father and mother .

. 语法(共15小题,计15分)从四个选项中选择正确答案填空。

) can english .

a .say b .speak c .talk d .tell

) play basketball .please play guitar .

a . the ,the b .the , cd . the

) about the music ?

a .listen to b .listen c .listening to d .listening

)29. students are there in your class ?

a .how much b .how many c .how d .what

) some milk in the glass .

a .are b .is c .has d .h**e

) lucy ? no , she .

a .swim , can’t b .swims , can’t

c .swims , cann’t d .swim , cann’t

)32. your father to work at 8:30 .

a .do ,h**e b .h**e , c .do ,has d .does ,h**e

)33. your homework at school .

a .don’t b .don’t do c .doesn’t do d .doesn’t do

) mother often cooks for us .

a .something delicious b .delicious something

c .anything deliciousd .delicious anything

) to beijing in 2003 .

a .goes b .go c .went d .wents

) post office is your right .

a .in b .on c .at d .of

)37. sundays . i usually go to visit my grandfather .

a .in b .on c .at d .of

) green family enjoy tv very much .

a .watch b .watching c .watches d .to watch

) this pen ? no ,it’s pen .

a .you ,his b .you ,him c .your ,his d .your ,him

) this our classroom their classroom ?

a .and b .but c .or d .of

. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给四个选项中选出1个最佳答案。

a)mr green is 41 england .he 42 english in a middle school .he speaks some chinese ,but not much .

he goes to chinese classes every week .he likes 43 in china very much .he says the chinese people are very 44 .

he has a son 45 a daughter .they go to school here ,too .

2023年 人教版 七年级下册语文期末试卷 附答案

一 积累与运用 25分 1 下列词语加点字读音完全正确的是 2分 a 祈祷 q 亢奋 k ng 鲜为人知 xi n b 花圃 f 脑髓 su 回环曲折 q c 哺育 b 遒劲 qi 潜心贯注 qi n d 阴霾 m i 归省 sh ng 叱咤风云 ch 2 下列每组词语各有一个错别字,请用横线标出,...


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