
发布 2023-03-07 21:11:28 阅读 3929


1. hello, i'm peter. i like___play) basketball.

i can___speak) english and i canplay) soccer.2. hi, i'm ma.

i can __play) ping-pong andi like __talk) and play games with3. my name 's alan. i'm __the school music __i can __play) theand thei can __and背诵p5的2b完成4—6题。

4. weneed) help at the oldpeople) home. _be) you __in july?

are you good __old people? can you __to __they) andplay) games with them? they cantell) youand you can __makeit isand fun!

please __call) _we) at 689-77295. can you __play) the __or thedo youon thethe school __need) helpteach) music. it is notplease call mrs.

miller___555-3721.6. are you __after school?

no? can youenglish? yes?

then we need youhelp) isandpleasecome) to the students' sportscall) mr. brown at 293-7742.


can you s___b: no, i wantjoin) the art c___b: can you __draw)?

a: yes, i __i wantjoin) the m___oh, can you s___a: yes, i背诵p2的2d完成10题。

10. jane: hi,bob.

what c___do you wantjoin)?bob:i want to j___asport) gwhat s___can you __play)?

bob: s___jane: so you can __join) the soccer what a___you ?

you’re very good at __tell) s___you canjoin) the story t___sgood. but i like __draw), then join two c___the story telling club and the a___club!jane:

ok, let’s __join) now!背诵p3的3b完成11题。

11、students wantedschool s___we want studentsthe school show. can you __or___can you __the guitar? can you __stories?

please talk __mr. zhang after school.12.

1、can youswim)in the water? 2、my teacher wantsbuy)a ping--pong bat. 3youwant)to join the music club?

4、he can'tplay)the piano, but he plays basketball very___good). 5、can you help me with __swim)?

1.① need sth. 需要某物 i need我需要一张纸。

need to do sth. 需要做某事 this young boy __needsee) a doctor right now. 这个小男孩现在需要看医生。

2养老院 3空闲 we __be) f___tomorrow. how about __go) shopping with me? 我们明天空闲。和我一起去购物怎么样?


5和某人交谈(单方面和某人交谈(双方面) 6玩游戏

7交朋友sb. 和某人交朋友。

join) our english club. you can __make) f___with many foreign __student). 加入我们的英语俱乐部吧。



9忙于某事 tony can’t __come) to our party. b___hehis english homework. 托尼不能来我们的派对因为他忙着他的英语作业。

忙于做某事 imy teacher __clean) our c我忙着帮我的老师打扫我们的教室。

10. speak +语言 tony can __speak) english and a little french. 托尼会说英语和一点儿法语。

say+说话的内容 when you meet your teacher in the morning, you can __good morning”. 当你早上遇到你的老师,你可以说“早上好”.

11需要某人做某事 ithe books to the school. 我需要你把这些书带到学校去。

12. help sbsth.在某方面帮助某人 tony often __help) me __my english. 托尼经常在我的英语方面帮助我。

13students 讲英语的学生们 14****中心

15. can you play the piano __the violin? 你会弹钢琴还是拉小提琴?

① or “还是”引导的选择疑问句,不同yes 或no 来回答,而是选择什么回答什么

can you sing __dance? 你会唱歌还是跳舞? i can sing. 我会唱歌。

② or “和” 引导否定句 i can’t sing __dance. 我不会唱歌和跳舞。

and “和” 引导肯定句 i can sing and dance. 我会唱歌和跳舞。

16. on the weekend 在周末

interviewer: scott has an interesting job. he works at a radio station.

scott, what time is your radio show?

scott: from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning.

interviewer: what time do you usually get up?

scott: at eight thirty at night. then i eat breakfast at nine.

interviewer: that’s a funny time for breakfast!

scott: yeah. after that, i usually exercise at about ten twenty.

interviewer: when do you go to work?

scott: at eleven o’clock, so i’m never late for work.

hi, i’m tony. i don’t like to get up early. in the morning, i get up at eight.

then i go to school at eight thirty. i don’t h**e much time for breakfast, so i usually eat very quickly. for lunch, i usually eat hamburgers.

after school, i sometimes play basketball for half an hour. when i get home, i always do my homework first. in the evening, i either watch tv or play computer games.

at ten thirty, i brush my teeth and then i go to bed.


unit one i.词组。1.你哥哥的笔友2.来自于 3.居住在4.说一点儿法语 5.他笔友最喜欢的语言6.在周末 7.告诉我你自己的情况8.什么语言 9.给我写信10.喜欢 不喜欢做某事 ii.重点难点讲解 1.她是日本人shejapan shejapan she s a you from be...

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