
发布 2023-03-02 02:46:28 阅读 6696



一. 在下面的横线上写出26个字母(26分)

二。 写出下列字母的左邻右舍(注意字母的大小写,10分)

1. j 2. g 3. q4. m

5. x 6. k 7. h8. v

9. p 10. e



( )1. good morninga. my name is zhang jie.

( )2. how do you spell itb. it’s blue .

( )3. who is thatc. good morning .

( )4. what’s your named. q-u-i-l-t .

( )5. what color is ite. he is my brother .

五。 选择题把正确的答案序号填在题前的括号内(10分)

( )1. -how are you ?

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i’m five, thank you.

c. hellod. how are you?

( )2. -what’s this? -it’s pen.

a. a b. an cd. the

( )3. -do you h**e a ruler?.

a. yes, i do. b. no, i’m not. c. yes, i am. d. it’s a ruler.

( )4.--what’s your telephone number?

a. it is green; b. my name is jim c.3458412 d. i’m ok

( )5. -what is this engli****’s a map .

a. on b. in c. for d. at


is (an ,a)orange.

(is ,are)black and white.

are (i, you)?


(it’s, it)a blue quilt.


( )1. sea (海洋a. white

( )2. blood (血b. green

( )3. hair (头发c. blue

( )4. snow (雪d. black

( )5. watermelon(西瓜e. red

八。 选词补全对话(一空一词,注意大小写10分)

thanks; how; i’m ;good; it’s; what’s; spell; what color; in)

amorning, eric.

b: hi, cindy.

a: are you?

b: i’m fine, .how are you?

a: ok. thank you.

b: oh , look (看this __english ?

a: it’s a pen.

b: it, please.

a: p- e- n.

bis it ?

a: black .


my name is li yiyang. i’m nine. i h**e three basketball, five baseball and two tennis rackets.

but i don’t play sports. li ni is my sister, she is seven. she plays tennis every day.


) five years old.

( )2. i don’t play sport.

( )3. li ni is my brother.

( )ni plays tennis every day.

( )name is li yiyang.


单项选择。1is your birthday?it s on july 10th.a.where b.when c.how d.what 2.is julia s birthday on may 1st?yesa.she b.it is c.he is d.she is 3.when is the ...

人教版七年级语文上册单元测试卷 第二单元

一。语言运用。1.下列短文中的一些成语在商家厂家的广告词中被改得面目全非,请你给他恢复本来面目。商家厂家为吊人们胃口,可谓煞费心机。东边是有杯无患,西边是鸡不可失。这儿是钙世无双,那儿是百礼挑一。餐巾纸爱不湿手,赛车场骑乐无穷。默默无蚊者,只能是百衣百顺 牙口无言者,为的是肠治久安。今日随心所浴,明...


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