
发布 2023-02-28 13:59:28 阅读 6767





一、根据句意和首字母提示每空填一个合适的单词,使句意完整。(每题一分,共35分)1. what’s that in e

2. how m___are these books? twenty yuan.3. please h**e a l___at this shop.

4. my ball is on the f___under the table.5. do you n___bags for school?

6. the red pants on s___are very cheap.

7. it’s bto go to bed after eating every day.8.

when is your bnick? it’s june on school tennis t___10. the computer isn’t m___

11. the cds and the tapes are in the b___

thinks beijing opera (京剧) is very ihe likes it very can’t speakc

14. e___me, where is my iphone?15. t___for your help.16. i am in g___seven.

17. jack chen is a great s18. there are four p___in my family.

19. the w___is tony’s mother.

20. my brother often g___to bed at aboutten o’ f___subject (科目) is i h**e seven c___a day.23.

how do you s___pen”?24. i found a set of k___

25 .the teacher has a qto ask us.

is sitting (坐) n___to the window(窗户).27. jack plays sports every day, so he is very h___28.

jane ther mother is at home now.29. tom is very f___to people.

30. jennifer’s e-mail a___thank you.. you’re w32. i’m very si’m late.

33. playing tennisis not very easy. it’s d34. .what do you h**e for btwo eggs.

35. the hat is not big. it’s s

二、单词拼写,每空一词。(每题1分,共10分)1. how many字典) are there on the desk?

2. i don’t like草莓)。3.

april the第一) is a funny day.4. i like eating d饺子).

5. the毛衣) are fifty dollars each.6.

they不能) speak chinese.7. that idea听起来) you h**e two tennis球拍)?

you带去) these things to jim? clock __有) three hands.

三、改变下列单词中的一个字母,使其变成另外一个单词(每词0.5分,共5分)night __glass __lake __mike __plan __

shoot __too __pin __meat __these __四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共10分) is a boyname is drew.(he)2.

please give the pen to __i).3. henot h**e) a bike.

4. jerry onlywatch) tv on sunday.5.

he can play the violin __good).6. can you helpour)?

___be) your roommates’ telephone numbers?8. these are my familyphoto).

don’t liketomato).

are十二) months in a year.


1. school things2. colors3. balls

4. numbers

5. fruit or vegetables6. family members六、单词接龙(写出至少10个单词,共10分。



1.打扫,清除2.读,阅读。3.通过,以 的方式4.公寓,住宅5.电视节目6.当然,的确7.等待,等候8.玩具9.西,西方10.活动11.商业街12.水池,水塘13.照相机14.鸟15.下雨。16.有风的,多风的17.多云的,阴天的18.晴朗的19.下雪。20.天气,气候21.烹调,煮22.学习。2...


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