
发布 2023-02-27 17:37:28 阅读 9190


. 词汇。a)根据句意及中文提示,拼写单词。

1. my最喜欢的)food is ice cream.

2. tomorrow is ann’s生日). she will h**e a party.

3. —would you like some __香蕉)? no, thanks.

4. i often get a lot of __卡片) from my friends before the spring festival.

5. i always get many beautiful __礼物) from my aunts every year.

b) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

6. i wantbuy)her a new book. what about you?

7. look atthey). they look very happy.

8. sheenjoy)the big dinner with her parents.

9. —would you likego)with me? —yes, i’d love to.

10. on sundays, i often do the __shop) with my mother.

. 单项选择,选择最佳答案。

1. his mother wants

a. go shopping b. to go to shopping c. to go shopping

2. what do you getyour birthday?

a. tob. forc. with

3. —happy birthday to you

a. the same to you. b. thanks a lot. c. that’s ok

4. i often talkmy friendsour school life.

a. with; to b. with; aboutc. about; with

5. my birthday isaugust 8.

a. onb. inc. at

6. i like all fruit except

a. chocolates b. sweetsc. bananas

7. —the boy looks __yes. today is his birthday.

a. happy b. sad c. happily

8. —who __to your sister’s birthday party? —my uncles and aunts.

a. comes b. come c. coming

9. the little boy is very kind. he always __his food __others.

a. share; with b. share; for c. shares; with

10. i see two __in daniel’s bedroom.

a. pair of blue jeans b. pairs of blue jean c. pairs of blue jeans

. 按要求句型转换,每空一词。

1. i want to buy a toy for her.(同义句)

ito buya toy.

2. tomorrow is my birthday.(对画线部分提问)


3. i watch tv at home.(对画线部分提问)

you watch tv?

4. millie plays happily.(同义句)


5. his mother wants to buy some nice food.(对画线部分提问)

his motherto

6. simon and his brother live in the same bedroom. (同义句)

simon __a bedroom __his brother.

7. all the people enjoy millie’s birthday party. (同义句)

all the peopleat millie’s party.

8. i often get some books for my birthday. (对画线部分提问)

you often __for your birthday?

. 汉译英,每空一词。

1. —你通常得到什么作为你的生日礼物?—许多书。

do you usuallyyour birthdaybooks.

2. 你们在聚会上的感觉如何?

__ youthe party?

3. —你愿意到我家来吗? —很乐意。多谢!

___youto my home? —yes. _

4. 我每天步行去学校。

ischool every day.

5. 那个小女孩穿了一件新白上衣和一条黑裤子。看起来真酷!

the little girl __a new white coat andblack trousers. she

. 单句改错。

)1. how many peoples are there in you family

ab c( )2. she cann’t play football. so she doesn’t like watching football matches

a b c( )3. would you like to a cd

a b c( )4. i want to buy a cake to her

a bc( )5. what a interesting film it is

a bc . 根据所给选项,补全对话。

a:hello, kate! what a beautiful day!

b: 1 a:i hope you can come to my party next sunday.

b:party? what party?

a:it’s my birthday, and i’m going to h**e a party. don’t you know?

b: 2 a:oh dear. i forgot(忘记) to tell you about it. 3

b:sure. i’d love to come. what time will it start(开始)?

a: 4 b:where will you h**e it?

a: 5 . please don’t forget to tell ann about it.

b:ok. i’ll do it.

. 完形填空。

how are you, lin? i’m writing 1 you at my school. it’s a big middle 2 .

i’m in a big class. there’re fifty students in my class. there are about two hundred teachers in my school.

my english teacher 3 miss liu. 4 is a nice teacher.

we go to school 5 monday to friday. there are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. we play games 6 four on friday after class.

i h**e some friends at school. one is 7 america. she speaks english and 8 chinese.

i like to play 9 them. we 10 football. that’s my f**ourite game.


第8期.词汇及短语。a 根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词。1.whose model 飞机 are those?2.nick 有 a pair of glasses.3.whose 照相机 is this?it s mine.4.i can see five 鸭子 on the river.5.whos...


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