
发布 2023-02-27 17:36:28 阅读 2325




1. ben often __洗) his face after he gets up.

2. it takes us half an hour to __读) english every day.

3. there are lots of tall trees in front of my __房屋).

4. my mother often goes __购物) at the weekend.

5. it’s too far away from our school. let’s __乘) a bus to get there.


6. you cannot play)football here.

7. the boys enjoyswim)too much.

8. my mother doesn’t wash thedish).

9. she sometimes helps meclean)the house.

10. do you writee-mail)to your friends?


11. at the weekend12. 起床早。

13. help with the housework14. 玩电脑游戏。

15. visit a new school16. 看报纸。

17. go shopping with mum18. 听**。

19. enjoy walking down the street20. 在图书馆里。


1. my brother has a cat. he often runs __his cat in the garden.

a. to b. with c. for

2. —does she enjoy her weekends

a. no, she does b. yes, she does c. she doesn’t

3. do you likewith us now?

a. play b. playingc. to play

4. i often play basketballfridays.

a. inb. onc. at

5. i often go to school by bus, buti go to school on foot.

a. some timeb. sometime c. sometimes

6. he always gets upnine o’clock.

a. onb. aboutc. after

7. let’stogether after school.

a. go to schoolb. go home c. to go home

8.—is this book yours? —nois at home.

a. myb. minec. me

you can’tenglish. you canit in chinese.

a. speak, speakb. say, speakc. speak, say

10. my grandpa always __the flowers early in the morning.

a. cleansb. washes c. waters


1. he usually goes home by bus. (改为同义句)

he usually

2. nick doesn’t watch tv on sunday.(对划线部分提问)

nick __on sunday?

3. we read english for half an hour every day.(对画线部分提问)

read english every day?

4. does daniel often play with you?(作否定回答)

5. simon doesn’t study very hard.(改为肯定句)


1. 在周日nick做什么事?

whatnickon sundays?

2. 我爱听**。

i enjoymusic.

3. 他有时帮助父母打扫房子。

he sometimeshis __clean the house.

4. 你常看报纸还是常看电视?

do you oftenthe news***** ortv?

5. 她每天和狗玩多长时间?

does sheher dog?


( )1. i can’t see some kites in the sky

a b c d

( )2. who’s skirt is this? is it mary’s

a b c d

( )3. lily often gets up early in saturday morning

a b c d

( )4. the dog likes barking and jumpping very much

a bc d

( )5. what music do you often listen at home

a bc d


a) 从ii栏找出与i栏对应的答案。

iii( )1. does nick get up latea. nice to meet you, too.

( )2. what time do you get upb. eight hours.

( )3. can i bring my bag herec. no, he often goes swimming.

( )4. what do you often dod. no, you can’t.

( )5. how long does he stay theree. sure.

( )6. does your mother stay at homef. she often goes shopping on

or go shopping on sundayssundays.

( )7. do you often do your homework ing. i often watch tv.

the evening?

( )8. would you like to play games with ush. yes, i do.

( )9. does tom often go fishingi. yes, he does.

( )10. nice to meet youj. at six o’clock.


a:what do you usually do on sundays?

b: 11

a: 12

b:with my friends.

a:how do you usually go there?

b: 13

a:do you often h**e a good time there?

b: 14

a:can i go with you one day?

b: 15


it’s seven in the morning. after __1__ mr white and mrs white __2__ their children to the school __3__ the car. then they go to work in a __4__.

the children h**e lunch at school. father and mother h**e lunch at the factory. there __5__ four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.

after __6__ the children play games for some time. sometimes the children __7__ the classroom with their classmates. then they go home by school bus.

mother cooks supper for the __8__.the children help their mother do the housework.


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