
发布 2023-02-26 02:24:28 阅读 6071




一、 unit3-unit4单词复习(根据中文写英文或根据英文写出中文意思)



3.允许 13.方便的

4.道歉 14.想象,设想。






1. 到达9.由…制成(可看出原材料)

2. 独自10.由…制成(看不出原材料)

3. 醒来11.对…有好处。

4. 带某人到12.确切地说。

5. 入睡13.环顾四周。

6. 吸收14.停止做某事。

7. 来自15.产生氧气。

8. 数以百万计的


i. 根据句意,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。

)1. —finding a good job is becoming more and more difficult.

yes. employment (就业) has become a major problem in our country.

a. useful and largeb. big and important c. necessary and useful

)2. —must we close the factory?

— yes, we h**e to. we produce more cars than we can sell.

a. bringb. preparec. make

)3. —do you discuss the problem with anyone else?

no, except (除了) you.

a. look forb. talk aboutc. turn on

)4. trees make our lives more convenient.

a. hardb. importantc. easy

)5. —i hear that caro dropped out of school.

yes, because she got a dangerous disease.

a. illnessb. hobbyc. habit

)6.— the little boy is cheerful and kind.

i think he must come from a happy family.

a. get fromb. learn fromc. be from

)7. can you imagine that if you h**e magic(魔法) one day?

a. pay for itb. think of it in your mind c. use your pen to draw it

)8. too much water is even harmful to these flowers.

a. wrongb. wetc. bad

ii. 从下面每小题的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项完成句子。

)9. theis a part of a tree, on which le**es, flowers and fruit grow.

a. leafb. branchc. root

)10. tosomething is to make something.

a. findb. finishc. produce

)11. the __road of a city refers to the important and large road in the city.

a. majorb. oldc. narrow

)12. —do you like your new house?

yeah! there is so muchin it. i like the wooden table best.

a. energyb. information c. furniture

)13. —what happened to john? he looks unhappy.

oh, he justwith his best friend tommy, but i don’t know why.

a. playedb. foughtc. talked

)14. there areempty plastic bottles in the rubbish dump (垃圾堆).

a. a million of b. millions of c. million of

)15. ―why do you want to live in the countryside?

because i can __fresh air there every day.

a. wake upb. take inc. give up


people usually hate mice, but people almost all over the world like one mouse-the famous mickey mouse.

about eighty years ago, most films had no sounds. a man called walt disney made a cartoon mouse. the cartoon mouse could talk in these films .

he made his mouse become a good friend of both young people and old people. children liked to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.

mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning .maybe this is why people love mickey mouse very much. in his early life, mickey did some wrong things.

people were very angry. they wrote to disney and said they didn’t want mickey to do the wrong things. because there were some things that mickey could not do, disney made a new animal called donald duck(唐老鸭).

he also made a dog, pluto(布鲁托). this lovely dog does some foolish and wrong things wherever he goes. now, our mickey mouse is more interesting as well.

he is known as a star of beauty and wisdom(智慧). he has friends in almost every country.


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